Are we conscious enough of the amount on time we spend on social media?

<p>I think we aren&rsquo;t, at least, I am not.</p> <p>I&rsquo;ve realized that due to the algorithms from social media apps, we can be too drawn to the content they provide and sometimes we aren&rsquo;t aware of how much time of our lives we spend on them. They show us content related to previous content we have already seen, making us feel engaged in things we liked, and though this could sound good, I think it isn&rsquo;t. We should not forget that the main objective is to have users navigating on their platforms as this is how they sell advertisement and earn money.</p> <p>In simple words,&nbsp;<strong>they sell our attention.</strong></p> <p>And I&rsquo;m only considering social media apps, I&rsquo;m not counting other apps that don&rsquo;t have the same purpose e.g. Email, chats, games, etc., but consider these if you want to control your time more in-depth.</p> <p>To begin, we can start managing our time better by doing a small exercise checking the settings on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok and calculating how much time of our unique life we are spending on social media.</p> <p>Below we have almost the same options for those apps:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: social Media