You Are the Product and 5 Other Sneaky Ways Social Media Has Hijacked Your Brain

<p>Almost everyone (except maybe that Zuckerberg guy) is beginning to understand the effects of social media on our lives is&hellip;well, not great. We all know how we feel after mindlessly scrolling Facebook or TikTok or InstaThreadsXSnap, or whatever the latest is these days. It isn&rsquo;t good.</p> <h1>You are the Product</h1> <p>I will never forget the first time I realized this. Perhaps one of the greatest lies social media companies have sold us is that we get to use their product for free.</p> <p>As the old adage goes, &ldquo;If you aren&rsquo;t paying for the product, you&nbsp;<strong>are&nbsp;</strong>the product.&rdquo;</p> <p>We think, because a social media is free to users, it&rsquo;s a good deal. While Facebook and X and TikTok may not be selling their services to you directly (although, that&rsquo;s changing), they are selling Something to Someone.</p> <p>The Something they are selling&nbsp;<strong>is you</strong>.<br /> And the Someone they are selling to&nbsp;<strong>is the highest bidder</strong>.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>