Social media is the newest porn in town.

<p>I was trying to check a link sent to me on Instagram sometime around last week, the link was sent to me on WhatsApp about a product to check out. I want to assume that there&rsquo;s a syndrome that naturally affects humans whereby you pick interest in checking the next reel that pops on your timeline after watching one. I was bitten by the same bug, so I proceeded to watch some more until I came across a reel that slammed me in the face.</p> <p>The reel came hitting me straight in the face, I&rsquo;m so sure it was specially projected to give that effect. It said&nbsp;<strong><em>&ldquo;Look at you, enjoying endless scrolling and wasting your time, I thought you said you wanted to be great, I thought you said you wanted to make a difference, where has it ever worked out being a talker and not a doer. Then it proceeded to say, if you truly want to change your life you will have to go all out for it cos in the end, it&rsquo;s always worth it&rdquo;.</em></strong></p> <p>Those words rang in my head all day and just then I started to reminisce about the invention of social media, the effect on humans as an ecosystem, and the transformation it has brought both positive and negative, a lot crossed my mind and I came to the conclusion that we now live in a world where we have access to everything, yet we are so blinded to opportunities. Humans are now surrounded by answers and as much as it is now easy to get answers to everything, it has made humans very lazy and more ambitious but less productive.</p> <p>Too much exposure to easy and immediate solutions has created a fallen and weak world, we now depend on social media&nbsp;for everything down to how we feel about ourselves and what opinions we need to form or associate with. The rationale behind social media to me is problem-solving but as often heard and said&nbsp;<strong><em>a solution is also a problem in disguise, they are both different ends of the same rope.&nbsp;</em></strong>which is why social media is a problem as much as it is a solution. Over time, entertainment has evolved and has found its way to almost all humans&rsquo; reach, in the form of ads, all sort of distractions has been initiated with the aim of making money for the promoters.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: social Media