Tag: relationship

Remember Your Why

There will be times when it feels as if the whole world is turning in on you. There will be times when everything simply sucks. In certain moments, every cell in you is telling you to quit. “Quit this job.” “Quit this relationship.” “Quit this career.” But t...

Witnessing Poverty Misaligned My Relationship With Money — And Happiness

A huge roasted pig sprawled across the table with an apple in its smiling mouth, frozen in mockery at my naïveté. I was 6-years-old at the time and it would be years before I ate pork again. Conceptually, I knew where meat came from. But I’d never stood so close to the source. I...

Most Men Won’t Tell You These 12 Relationship Needs But I Will

Ifthere’s one thing that men are notorious for, it’s their communication skills — or, lack thereof, to be more specific. Ironically, most men have no problem talking about themselves, or speaking up in the boardroom, or being fierce litigators in the courtroom. For some reaso...

Dating 101: Are You or Someone You Meet Ready?

There are a handful of materials on the Internet telling you what to look for in a potential partner, where to look for a partner, and how you can be the perfect person for your partner. While they are significant in helping you find the right person to be in a relationship with, these materials dis...

The Couple Sitting Across From Me On A Plane Flight Made Me Rethink My Relationship

It wasn’t until halfway through the plane flight that I noticed the couple across the aisle from me. The woman was incredibly well put together with a glossiness about her hair, skin, and makeup that gave her an almost unearthly sheen. Not a single hair was out of place. The man sitting nex...

Surprisingly, I Have a Complicated Relationship with Writing

Everything is spinning. I listen to the passing of time. Nothing happens. The rush of seconds and minutes drags me toward nothingness. And what does it mean when we say time passes? Is it possible to experience time passing? But I will leave the questions about the passage of time to metaphysic...

The Intrinsic Relationship Between Imagination and Memories

At first glance, memories and imagination might seem like opposites on a spectrum. Memories are based on reality with real people, events, and places, whereas imagination is precisely the opposite. Imagination inspires a quality of magic and incandescence that defies our material plane of existen...

Why does a woman talk about the insufficient size of a man’s penis? | Penis size | Relationship

Many men react quite painfully to such remarks. Some experience this as temporary castration, while for others the situation becomes a deterrent to the development of relationships. It is important to understand that most often in 98% of cases a man and the actual size of his penis do not matter at ...

The №1 Sign of an Emotionally Mature Relationship

“We need help,” a couple in therapy offered as their opening line. They weren’t joking. Their 12-year relationship had deteriorated into a cesspool of conflict, anger and resentment. Neither could speak without triggering an emotionally-charged response in the other. If there...

The Couple Sitting Across From Me On A Plane Flight Made Me Rethink My Relationship

It wasn’t until halfway through the plane flight that I noticed the couple across the aisle from me. The woman was incredibly well put together with a glossiness about her hair, skin, and makeup that gave her an almost unearthly sheen. Not a single hair was out of place. The man sitting nex...

Why Is Compromise Important In A Relationship?

The ability to compromise is NOT always a sign of weakness, as some believe. Agreeing to a situation is the willingness to give peace a chance in any relationship we find ourselves. Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash Responding to the prompt by  Bassey BY :&n...

3 Signs That You Have an Unhealthy Relationship with Your Emotions

In my work as a psychologist, I’ve found that one simple mistake is at the heart of nearly every emotional struggle from anxiety and panic to depression and procrastination… Just because an emotion feels bad doesn’t mean it is bad. When you believe painful emotions are bad o...

I Have a Bad Relationship with Trust & Control

I have lost trust in the vehicle. The vehicle that my soul rides in. Better known as the body. The vessel that we rely on to navigate our lives. To make decisions. To live. Cancer made me lose that trust. But how do we reconcile that loss? I wake up each day taking medication that prevents my ...

Do These 8 Small Things Daily To Make Your Relationship Last

Now more than ever, we judge relationships based on the snapshots we see on social media. How happy do two people look in that very moment? We then take that image, and assume that the entire relationship always looks like that. As we all inherently know, this simply is not reality...

The Fastest Way To Destroy Any Relationship

“You should have done that earlier”, “Why did you do that?”, “If you hadn’t done that, this wouldn’t have happened” Words, sentences are just so easy to utter. One breath is all it takes. The bad thing about this is once our words leave our mouths, ...

The Best Relationship Tip I’ve Heard This Year — Maybe Ever

Two young people were planning to marry. Before they made it official they spent an evening talking over all the worst times in their relationship. They’d been through lot. Family dramas. Friends’ suicides. Job losses. Long shifts of unemployment. Moving towns. Moving countries. Fi...

My Love-Hate Relationship with Inktober

Without fail, every year around this time, leaves start to turn and the smell of pumpkin spice perfumes the autumn air. While other people are rewatching Hocus Pocus or going to Loews to buy a 12-foot skeleton, naming it Ed, and posing it provocatively in their front yard, I’m breaki...

Degas’ Art and His Curious Relationship with Women

Christopher P Jones is the author of How to Read Paintings, an introduction to some of the most fascinating artworks in art history. The Dance Class (1874) by Edgar Degas. Oil on canvas. 83.5 x 77.2 cm. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, U.S. Image source The Met (open a...

The 24 Hour Relationship (Part 4 — the Conclusion)

This is the last of a four part series on a 24 hour relationship I once had while traveling. You can find the other parts here: The 24 Hour Relationship (Part 1) The day I met an American in Amsterdam medium.com The 24 Hour Relationship (Part 2) A Long Day’s Journey into the Nig...

The 24 Hour Relationship (Part 1)

In 2001, I was a 33 year old, unmarried high school math teacher in Wichita, Kansas with summers off. One summer, I decided to relive my youth, bought a backpack, and flew to Europe where I traveled from country to country for the best part of a month. One morning that summer, I found myself stan...

The Truth About ‘Relationship Goals’ and Why You Don’t Need Them

It’s exceptionally easy to become attracted with these posts and start standing separated your relationship from these ‘objectives’. Regardless, seeking after these relationship targets isn’t strong or sensible. We ought to investigate why you should not be seeking after t...

Do You Make 75000$? Are You Happy?

Throughout my life, I’ve been intrigued by the complex relationship between wealth and happiness. The bustling streets, the frenzied pace of life, and the relentless pursuit of material success often made me wonder whether money equates to happiness. As I navigated through different phases of ...

Relationship Stuff

Had a strange day. Was really depressed earlier but a few beers later, and I’m feeling better. I’ve just been chatting to my mum and sister about relationships. They were telling me that men in general tend to go for younger women. My sister (40) is dating someone in his fifties and m...

10 Signs of Unhealthy Control in a Christian Marriage or Relationship…

Selective Scripture Slinging: In my relationship, I noticed scripture was weaponized when it suited my partner’s agenda. When your partner uses Bible verses as a tool for control, it’s a glaring sign that something’s amiss. Isolation Instinct: Being a part of a healthy Chr...

Should One Ever Convert for the Sake of Their Relationship

Interfaith relationships, where people with different religious backgrounds come together, are becoming more prevalent nowadays. These relationships offer a great opportunity for individuals to learn and appreciate other religions, but they also pose unique challenges. One such challenge is when one...

My Trans Non-Binary Journal: Potential Permanent Poly Relationship

Today marks a pivotal moment in the evolving story of Sarah and me. Our journey into an open relationship reached a new milestone with our first sexual encounter with someone else. It was an experience that was as enlightening as it was complex, opening up a myriad of emotions and possibil...

My Trans Non-Binary Journal: First Sexual Encounter In My Open Relationship

The experience itself was a whirlwind of emotions. There was the initial awkwardness, a natural response to stepping into uncharted territory. But as we found our rhythm, there was a sense of liberation, a breaking free from the invisible shackles of conventional expectations. Afterward...

My Trans Non-Binary Journal: Open Relationship Kick-Off

The decision didn’t come easily. There were fears, insecurities, and countless conversations about what this would mean for us. But at the heart of it all, there was also a deep trust and understanding between us, a foundation that I believe will guide us through this new journey. To kic...

The Top 5 Synastry Aspects to Look for in Your Relationship Chart

Introduction to Synastry Aspects and Relationship Charts Synastry aspects are the angles and distances between the planets in two people’s birth charts, which can provide insights into the strengths and challenges of a relationship. Relationship charts combine two individuals’ birth c...

White Privilege: Understanding Its Relationship with Racism”

Today, the concept of white privilege often finds its foundation in Peggy McIntosh’s seminal essay, “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.” Originally published in 1988, McIntosh’s work serves as a pivotal tool in making the effects of white privilege more person...

How to Fix Your Broken Relationship with Food

“What are my health goals?”, and “What do I want my relationship with food to be?” I’m sure you can think of several goals with relative ease. I want to have more energy. I want to change my body composition; i.e. lose body fat, and gain more muscle ...

Boyle’s Law | Pressure and Volume Relationship

The Basics of Boyle's Law: Boyle's Law can be succinctly stated as follows: the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume, given a constant temperature. In mathematical terms, this relationship is expressed as P1V1 = P2V2, where P1 represents initial pressure, P2 represents ...

The Intrinsic Relationship Between Imagination and Memories

At first glance, memories and imagination might seem like opposites on a spectrum. Memories are based on reality with real people, events, and places, whereas imagination is precisely the opposite. Imagination inspires a quality of magic and incandescence that defies our material plane of existen...

4 Ways the “Save Me” Syndrome Attracts a White Knight in Your Romantic Relationship

The White Knight gets a bad rap because of its association with narcissism. While this is true, there are much deeper implications surrounding a “white knight” than narcissistic traits such as limited self-awareness, or a grandiose attitude based on larger-than-life gestures and showmans...

Having Relationship Problems? These 5 Languages Might Help.

This was why I always hated the whole text game idea. Because indirectly you’re not spending “quality time”. This is also why I always value time together in person. If you experience anything like what I did, quality time might be your love language too. We tend to priori...

On Leaving a Toxic Relationship

It gets cold in the desert at night. The sun warms you into a false sense of security. When it’s gone, there’s not a lot alive here to lean on, nothing to store up that warmth for later. All you’ve got is whatever you brought with you and your ability to stomach the silence. Do ...

Our changing relationship with Irtyru

The morals and ethics of museums displaying human remains have changed considerably over the years, especially since the beginning of the millennium. When the Great North Museum: Hancock re-opened its doors after its refurbishment in 2009, the Ancient Egypt gallery where Irtyru resides had...

Skims’ “Celebrating Every Body” campaign tells a powerful story of women’s relationship with their bodies!

We all have days of self-doubt right? We all have something we don’t like about our bodies. Some insecurity that we notice and hate but the world doesn’t? (I for one don’t like the way my nose looks but to everyone around me, there’s nothing wrong with it!). These ins...