The Couple Sitting Across From Me On A Plane Flight Made Me Rethink My Relationship

<p>It wasn&rsquo;t until halfway through the plane flight that I noticed the couple across the aisle from me. The woman was incredibly well put together with a glossiness about her hair, skin, and makeup that gave her an almost unearthly sheen. Not a single hair was out of place.</p> <p>The man sitting next to her was presumably her significant other, as I noticed him putting his hand on her knee at one point and attempting to give her a loving nuzzle. He appeared to be a bit older than her and reasonably attractive from my viewpoint. He was undeniably physically fit with muscles bulging out of his t-shirt sleeves.</p> <p>Unfortunately, the smooth beauty seemed to want absolutely nothing to do with this man and I was instantly curious about it. Whether he was her boyfriend, husband, or something else, she rebuffed every attempt he made at verbal or physical contact.</p> <p>She sat there and stared at what looked to be a social media or photo feed on her phone for the entire 3 hours of our flight. With no internet on the plane, that was odd, but it didn&rsquo;t seem to stop her level of absorption into the screen.</p> <p>She never once reacted in any real way. The most I saw her do was blink and take a sip of her drink.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>