Tag: Reduce

Five Python Decorators That Can Reduce Your Code By Half

Python is by far my favorite programming language due to its simple syntax and powerful application in various domains such as machine learning and web development. Although I’ve been coding for over five years, decorators were seldom on my radar unless absolutely necessary, like employing ...

Reduce Android app bundle size

Android apps are a huge industry. Every major and minor platforms have equivalent Android apps for their users. The Android market is booming with billions of apps. But not all apps succeed. If you are one of the developers building an Android app to make a living or to make an impact you want to ma...

How to Reduce Engineering Scope

A lot of developers think that code is the thing they sell. That’s not true. I learned one lesson about being a great software engineer: reducing scope. Scope creep is the root of project management evil, and software developers are historically bad at estimations. Thus, our only reme...

This Component Library Promises to Reduce Development Times

Reducing development time, that’s a bold statement. One that way too many tools have claimed in the past, but not one that many have actually achieved. Grommet is another component library/framework (they call themselves frameworks, we’ll see about that) that is adamant to make y...

Reduce — The Power of a Single Python Function

While Python is not a pure functional programming language, you can still do a lot of functional programming in it. Just one function — reduce — can do most of it, and in this article, I will (try to) show you all the things one can do just with reduce. Reduce Let&rs...

A Ten-Step Process for Team Leaders to Reduce Meeting Overload and Take Back Their Time

A few months ago, I started a new job as the leader of a busy team of consultants. Within days of starting, I found myself inundated with meetings, and the expectation seemed to be that I represent our team at board meetings, client meetings, external engagements, you name it. Being eager to plea...

A Ten-Step Process for Team Leaders to Reduce Meeting Overload and Take Back Their Time

A few months ago, I started a new job as the leader of a busy team of consultants. Within days of starting, I found myself inundated with meetings, and the expectation seemed to be that I represent our team at board meetings, client meetings, external engagements, you name it. Being eager to plea...

Reduce UE4 Project Folder Size

With time, your Unreal Engine 4 Project can occupy huge stacks of storage. Not all of that space is bound to necessary project files. There are a couple of folders you can safely delete to save storage space. This is helpful for backups when you only want to save the necessary data. Find your ...

Tetris May Help Reduce Trauma From Accidents. Yes, Really.

The human memory can be a curse, as well as a blessing. After a very stressful incident, we can suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. In PTSD, triggering memories or sensations can bring back vivid memories of the traumatic incident, along with intense negative emotions. Current tr...

The Best Strategies to Slim Docker Images: How to Reduce Docker Image Size

You need Docker images to build and ship Docker containers. An image is the base of your container. Thus, keeping images slim and light speeds up the build and deployment of containers. Optimizing Docker images should be practiced in your containerization workflow. Your Docker image size matters for...

10 Exercises to Reduce Cortisol Levels

Physical activity and certain relaxation techniques can help reduce cortisol levels, which is a stress hormone that can contribute to various health issues if chronically elevated. Here are some exercises and practices that are known to help lower cortisol levels: Aerobic Exercise: Engagi...

How Compound Interest and Dollar Cost Averaging Reduce the Cost of Retirement

Most of us know it is smart to save money for those big-ticket items we really want to buy — a new television or car or home. Yet you may not realize that probably the most expensive thing you will ever buy in your lifetime is retirement. Perhaps you’ve never thought of “buying&...

10 Rapid Ways to Find Zen and Reduce Stress Now

Modern life runs at a relentless pace that often feels impossible to slow down. Heavy workloads, family demands, health issues, and other pressures keep stress levels maxed out — which takes a toll mentally and physically. But reclaiming calm doesn’t require major lifestyle overhauls. Sm...

Reduce Warehouse Space with the Pareto Principle using Python

Learn how to apply the Pareto Principle, the 80/20 rule, to optimize your warehouse space and improve picking productivity with Python. Developed by Vilfredo Pareto to describe the distribution of wealth, this principle can be generalized to various applications, including logistics management. ...

Nonpartisan elections don’t reduce polarization

One big story coming out of 2020 has been the fusion of two movements: one for multiparty government, another for less of a gap between the major parties (polarization). The former promotes ballot reforms to ease third-party voting. The latter aims to get rid of partisan nominations. Its s...

Tetris May Help Reduce Trauma From Accidents. Yes, Really.

The human memory can be a curse, as well as a blessing. After a very stressful incident, we can suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. In PTSD, triggering memories or sensations can bring back vivid memories of the traumatic incident, along with intense negative emotions. Current tr...

5 Simple Techniques to Reduce Your Anxiety

Are you feeling anxious? Most people have these feelings of fear. It’s more and more common with increasing pressure and stress to perform. Often, it’s because you put yourself in a position you don’t want to be in. For example, you put a lot of pressure on yourself to per...

4 Key Insights to Reduce Marketing Risk and Increase Your Likelihood Of Sales

What’s the number #1 uncertainty that business owners defer to when they are presented with possible marketing initiatives? I can tell you anecdotally because I hear it all the time. Risk. Who in their right mind would spend $20,000, $30,000.. hell even over 6-figures to m...

7 Proven Methods to Reduce Refunds

When you give your customers an almost free trial period, they get to try out the product and see if it’s right for them. If not, they can cancel before they are charged the full price. You might be thinking that if you use the trial period, you’ll get a lot of people who sign up just...

Five Tips For Fashion Brands to Reduce Time to Market

Is your fashion brand striving to try new approaches to shorten product calendar? 3D fashion design is a perfect solution. Waiting weeks to receive the first physical garment sample after the initial fashion sketch is no longer the situation suitable for today’s fashion industry. Especially...