Reduce — The Power of a Single Python Function

<p>While Python is not a pure functional programming language, you can still do a lot of functional programming in it. Just one function &mdash;&nbsp;<code>reduce</code>&nbsp;&mdash; can do most of it, and in this article, I will (try to) show you all the things one can do just with&nbsp;<code>reduce</code>.</p> <h1>Reduce</h1> <p>Let&rsquo;s begin by looking at what&nbsp;<code>reduce</code>&nbsp;is. Formally, Python&#39;s&nbsp;<code>functools.reduce</code>&nbsp;is a higher-order function that folds a binary operation into each pair of items in an iterable.&nbsp;In simpler words, it&#39;s a function that takes a function and an iterable as parameters, applying the function to pairs of values from the iterable until only one value is left.</p> <p>The easiest way to really understand what it does is to look at an example. Here&rsquo;s how you can implement factorial using&nbsp;<code>reduce</code></p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>