Five Python Decorators That Can Reduce Your Code By Half

<p>Python is by far my favorite programming language due to its simple syntax and powerful application in various domains such as machine learning and web development.</p> <p>Although I&rsquo;ve been coding for over five years, decorators were seldom on my radar unless absolutely necessary, like employing the&nbsp;<code>@staticmethod</code>&nbsp;decorator to denote a static method within a class.</p> <p>However, my perception changed during a recent merge-request review when my colleague introduced a timer decorator to one of my functions. It sparked my curiosity about the multitude of other functionalities that decorators can offer, elevating code cleanliness and readability.</p> <p>Therefore, in this short article, we&rsquo;ll explore the concept of Python wrappers and present five examples that can improve our Python development process.</p> <h2>Python Wrappers</h2> <p>Python wrappers are functions that are added to another function which then can add additional functionality or modifies its behavior without directly changing its source code. They are typically implemented as decorators, which are special functions that take another&nbsp;<strong>function</strong>&nbsp;as&nbsp;<strong>input</strong>&nbsp;and apply some changes to its functionality.</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>
Tags: Python Reduce