Tag: Progress

Progress with Voice Assistants part2(AI)

Abstract : Holographic Intellectual Voice Assistant (HIVA) aims to facilitate human computer interaction using audiovisual effects and 3D avatar. HIVA provides complete information about the university, including requests of various nature: admission, study issues, fees, departments, university stru...

Endless Pursuit of Profit Kills Progress

Ever since David Zaslav took over HBO Max — and long before its painfully boring rebrand — I’ve quietly mourned the death of what I once considered to be the greatest streaming platform of all time. I’ve also been quietly seething over my deep disdain for this guy. To call...

Progress Requires the Process of Unlearnin

Embracing growth is a transformative journey, one that demands we shed the layers of our fixed beliefs. It’s a process of unlearning, of peeling back the misconceptions that have held us captive. Consider the fixed mindset: “They left me.” It’s a narrative that anchors us ...

KMON Progress Report

Hello Trainers! It’s that time again when we bring you the latest updates from the development frontlines of our epic game, KMON: World of Kogaea. We’ve been hard at work, and we’re eggcited to share the progress we’ve made in various categories. So, without further ado...

Rhythm Quest Devlog 58 — Level Editor Progress

Something cool you’ll notice in the gifs is an animated character preview that goes through the level. It’s not too fancy, as it doesn’t actually interact with any of the obstacles, but it’s a fun little visual preview that didn’t require a ton of ef...

17.1 The Rake’s Progress

The story of Socrates, as well as the story of Athens, is inextricably bound up with the fate of Alcibiades, the golden boy of the Golden Age. Alcibiades’ rise and fall, and his second rise and fall, propelled Athens ever on like some sort of tragic destiny. In 420 BC Athens was basking i...

Empowering Progress: IOST 2023 H2 Roadmap Unveiled

Presenting the IOST 2023 H2 Roadmap, a comprehensive guide that outlines the strategic initiatives and milestones for the second half of the year. With a focus on fostering a vibrant multi-chain ecosystem, IOST is set to engage in strategic cross-chain collaborations, expanding the application scena...

Work in Progress: Mais où sont les neiges d’anten?

Rio de Janeiro is a city that is as easy to love as Paris. Although I am now returned to Portland after my two and a half weeks in Brazil, the enchantment of Rio has not yet fully worn off, and I hope to carry it with me for as long as I can hang on to it — preferably until I can return, altho...

Building an affordable infrasonic recorder. A work in progress.

Recently, some of us at Quicksand have been doing research in the forests of South India, to learn and understand more about conservation in India. As design researchers, we are deeply interested in the challenges of human-animal conflict and are looking for ways to contribute towards better underst...

Know What 401k Balance Progress Says About Your Retirement Hope?

When I first arrived in the US at age 30, I owed more than I owned. Planning for retirement was nowhere on my radar. Over time, things changed to the point that I could afford to retire tomorrow. I won’t, because I’d have to make compromises I prefer to avoid, because I enjoy what ...

My Retirement: A Pilgrim’s Progress

On May 26th, I shut the door to my classroom for the last time. I took one final look around before shutting the door. When the door closed, I checked to make sure it was locked. In my small bag, I carried the few personal belongings that had been in my desk and made my way down the hallway for the ...

8 Reasons More Men Should Be Feminists

Ina world that strives for progress and inclusivity, embracing feminism is a call to action for everyone, regardless of gender. While the feminist movement has made significant strides in recent years, there’s still work to be done, and men play a crucial role in this journey. In this article,...

Beyond Politics: Prioritizing Nigeria’s Unity and Progress

The Supreme Court verdict about Nigeria’s presidential election drew varying reactions from different quarters; those who saw themselves on the winning side, and those who saw themselves on the other side. Without doubt, no-one wants to experience ‘defeat’. The kind of emotions ...

Progress isn’t enough.

Call me old fashioned, but I like my white billionaires to employ a Dr. Evil, James Bond-esque style of villainy. Self-driving electric vehicles, deep sea exploration in remote-controlled sardine cans, space tourism for the wealthy (black and brown countries are going out of style, duh) just to name...

Will AI end the myth of “white” superiority?

Artificial intelligence (AI) will facilitate progress in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). The realization that STEM is the root of power on Earth will gradually end the myth of “white” superiority. The history of England shows how STEM transformed an island inhabited by...

The Rise of Conversational AI: Promises, Perils and Progress

As artificial intelligence becomes increasingly advanced and embedded in our daily lives, a new generation of systems has emerged that can engage in natural language conversations like humans. These so-called “Conversational AI” technologies promise tremendous benefits but also pose nove...

The Disparity Between Fear And Progress

Myown conflict with authority began at an early age, when I realized pretty quickly that adults were not only quite fallible, but often incompetent as well. This can be a frightening thing to learn as a child, but I was not to be deterred. I simply assumed I would need to care for myself, make my ow...