The Rise of Conversational AI: Promises, Perils and Progress

<p>As artificial intelligence becomes increasingly advanced and embedded in our daily lives, a new generation of systems has emerged that can engage in natural language conversations like humans. These so-called &ldquo;Conversational AI&rdquo; technologies promise tremendous benefits but also pose novel risks that must be carefully managed. With an open and informed discussion, we can help ensure this exciting new frontier unlocks humanity&rsquo;s potential while safeguarding our shared values.</p> <p>Conversational AI refers to computer systems designed to interact with humans using human language in a natural way, through voice or text. By understanding speech or written language, systems can answer questions, assist with tasks, recommend information and provide customer service using a conversational interface similar to chatting with another person. This type of AI marks an evolution from task-specific programs to more flexible, generalized dialogue systems.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>