Rhythm Quest Devlog 58 — Level Editor Progress

<p>Something cool you&rsquo;ll notice in the gifs is an&nbsp;<strong>animated character preview</strong>&nbsp;that goes through the level. It&rsquo;s not&nbsp;<em>too</em>&nbsp;fancy, as it doesn&rsquo;t actually interact with any of the obstacles, but it&rsquo;s a fun little visual preview that didn&rsquo;t require a ton of effort to make happen.</p> <p>During level generation I actually&nbsp;<strong>already calculate the entire player path through the level</strong>&nbsp;&mdash; this is needed to understand where to place obstacles such as coins, flying enemies, and the like. (This is actually just one of several such calculated paths; there&rsquo;s another one for the camera, for instance) You can see that in this debug view in red here:</p> <p><a href="https://ddrkirbyisq.medium.com/rhythm-quest-devlog-58-level-editor-progress-a8f8449f29ad"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>