Tag: Procrastination

How I Eliminated Procrastination From My Life

Procrastination is a big problem for many of us. We say we’ll work on our goals, hit the gym, or learn some new skills, only to end up watching Netflix instead. I used to be a chronic procrastinator too. I’d set big goals and make ambitious plans, but not much was getting done o...

How I Eliminated Procrastination From My Life (Using Neuroscience)

Procrastination is a big problem for many of us. We say we’ll work on our goals, hit the gym, or learn some new skills, only to end up watching Netflix instead. I used to be a chronic procrastinator too. I’d set big goals and make ambitious plans, but not much was getting done o...

How This Mindset Change Can Help You to Crush Procrastination

There’s a simple science-backed mindset that you can adopt to crush procrastination. I have been a chronic procrastinator for the majority of my life. In university, I remember staying until 3 AM to write an entire semester’s lab report a night before it was due. Ultimately, I s...

How to overcome procrastination

I can’t believe that I am who is a huge procrastinator herself is writing an answer on ‘How to overcome procrastination?’ But this is also true that I am gradually getting over of this vicious cycle of procrastination. What actually procrastination is? ‘ This is not so ...

Taming the monster: Procrastination.

Alright, let’s talk about procrastination. Before then, I need to put it out there that before I wrote this article “I’ll do it by 3 pm, I’ll do it by 5 pm” till I picked up my phone and got to work. Yeah, while that is out let’s move on.   Procrastinat...

“Outsmarting Procrastination: A Humorous Journey to Productivity”

Introduction: Procrastination, the fine art of delaying work until they scream for your attention louder than a child at a candy store. You may think of it as your brain telling you, “Why do today what you can put off until the universe collapses, and the aliens discover our to-do lists as ...

Drinkers Say No to Procrastination: Start Living Your Best Life Now

I always had fabulous plans to travel throughout Europe for a few months. I envisioned painting my version of a "Starry Night." Telling my story via a blog. My list was endless. How about you? Do you have great plans? If you're sober, you may have already actualized a few of your...

Your Guide to Defeating Procrastination and Achieving Success

So, you probably clicked to read this article because you struggle with procrastination and genuinely want to overcome it. We are all aware that it is a significant problem in the modern world. It causes stress and a negative feeling of regret of omission. Before we delve into techniques for stoppin...

This Simple Journal Hack Might Be the Cure for Procrastination and Task Paralysis

It’s all  Tara McMullin ’s fault. I’ve been digging into her book What Works, which sneakily hides in the “goal setting and productivity” genre while really being a viciously accurate analysis and dissection of the whole hustle culture late-stage capi...

Overcoming Procrastination: Harnessing Tools To 10x Your Productivity

Procrastination is a terrible habit that plagues people from all walks of life. It plagued me for years. Whether it’s delaying school projects, work assignments, or postponing a personal goal, I have been there. It has left me feeling stressed and unproductive. Fortunately, I have learnt to...

Procrastination Demolished: 6 Powerful Strategies That Transformed My Productivity

A common enemy of productivity is procrastination, which many of us struggle with occasionally. Delaying vital chores in favor of less important, frequently more fun hobbies is an art form. Fear not, however, for in this article, we’ll look at six useful suggestions and tactics that can ...

Don’t Let Procrastination Rule Your Life

Am I the queen of procrastination? It’s not a title of pride, it’s a habit I wish to break. I’ve come to realize that procrastination is simply a lack of action — knowing what needs to be done but postponing it, often by focusing on less important things. However, this approa...

Crushing Procrastination: A Hilarious Guide to Kicking Phone Addiction and Getting Stuff Done

Procrastination, the fine art of doing everything but what we’re supposed to be doing. If you’re like me, you’ve perfected the art of avoidance. But hold onto your hats because I’m about to reveal a wildly unusual, laugh-out-loud way I conquered procrastination — by giv...

How to Defeat Your Procrastination in Two Steps

Everyone procrastinates now and then. Every single one of us. Our productivity-obsessed, optimization-oriented hustle culture can make us all feel like shirkers if we’re not sifting the gold dust out of every minute of existence. But most of us aren’t layabouts, and our procrastinatio...