Tag: Person

Becoming a “Person of Value” Is Stupid Advice Because It Means Nothing

The word “value” is part of the corporation indoctrination. It’s one of those words that’s thrown around and sounds smart … but no one has a clue what it really means. “Become a person of value” is a common social media trite that grinds my gears and ...

Three Signs You Are Not “Too Intuitive”: You Are a Highly Spiritual Person

It is with courage that people start to wake up and notice strange things around them. Ergo, if you are at the courage level or above, you are a highly spiritual being or on your way to becoming one. And when that happens, strange things that make you feel like you’re too intuitive start...

Are you really A Disciplined person?

Hello, readers, thank you coming here today we are going to talk about discipline, Success is built on discipline, which has long been respected and is frequently connected with military individuals who exhibit it. In this post, we’ll look at the fundamentals of discipline and consider some p...

I Finally Became A Person

Do you remember when you first became a person ? Do you remember the moment when you discovered your sense of self ? Do you remember when you started to exist ? I will not lie to you. You have not always existed. You have not always been a person. You have not always had a sense of self. You have...

Building A One-Person Business Is The Key To Your Financial Freedom. Here’s How You Can Do It

The day I got promoted to a Director was the saddest day of my life. I had worked my ass off for the better part of 18 months chasing this goal. Overtime, late nights, stressful clients, taking on more than I can handle. I had burned myself out countless times all to achieve this one goal. Whe...

You’ll Get These 10 Feelings When You’re With The Wrong Person

Life brings us many challenges, but perhaps one of the most challenging at all…is admitting that we’ve chosen the wrong partner. The implications of such are vast. It makes you question your own judgment. You’re worried about what other people will think. Are you supposed to go...

Don’t Be a Nice Person.

The Problem With Being Nice. Most nice people are merely signaling their niceness. They aren’t good people in reality, they are just great at signaling. We are so good at it that we don’t realize we do it until it’s brought to our attention. Here is a test from the trolley pr...

You’re Only as Good as Your Person Is

I’ve noticed over the years that couples often are quite similar to each other. Mainly, in regard to how good each person is as a human being. It’s been rare that I’ve noticed a truly wonderful, caring, charming person being in a long-term relationship with a horrible person. It...

A One-Person Business Is The Easiest Way to Retire in the Next 5 Years

A revelation is an odd sensation. You build it up to be this space-bending, time-stopping, world-altering moment. Like the movies you know. Everything changes from that moment on. In actual fact though, none of that happens. I’ve found most revelations come through reflection, not thr...

Artwork and Paintings Made by the Person with Disabilities

Custom portraits also make for thoughtful and sentimental gifts. Whether it’s a family portrait to commemorate a special occasion, a couple’s portrait to celebrate a milestone, or a solo portrait as a unique self-expression, these artworks carry emotional weight and become cherished keep...

A Little Person Insulted Me

Mike, 39, a New Yorker with dwarfism, worked with me at a training company in Hong Kong. We didn’t know each other well. But what I did know impressed me. He had an Ivy League MBA and a Fortune 500 resume. He wore tailored mini-suits with silk ties and suspenders. And he was built...

The First Ever Photograph of a Person

Our normal expectations of photography tend to focus on the instancy of the process. A photo is a snapshot, a frozen slice of time measured in fractions of a second. This particular photograph is different. It was made over a much longer duration. Look to the bottom-left of the frame. There ...

The World Doesn’t Owe You Any Happiness

You are earning in millions. What’s the happiness level buddy? The HIGHEST!! You get the best experiences. You get the best clothes. You get to the best places. Things feel like they are the best. And then some folks come with BS dialogues. Happiness is peace. Learn More

How To Leverage Your 9–5 Job To Create A One-Person Business (Part-Time) In 2024.

A couple of years ago, I got brainwashed. I foolishly thought I had to quit my 9–5 to make my business dreams a reality. I got sold on what every guru on the internet was telling me. I feel so silly now. But I don’t regret it at all. It taught me a lot about myself. And busin...

Sephiroth and Me: Playing Final Fantasy VII As A Jewish Person

Asa kid, I had no stable connection to my Jewishness except my last name and infrequent visits to my aunt and uncle’s house for Rosh Hashanah. We barely did Passover, I didn’t understand a lick of Hebrew, but my goy mother still brought out the Lenox menorah and made latkes using the rec...

Was Moses a Real Person?

Was Moses of the Hebrew Bible a real person? Some in the academic world doubt there was an actual person in history as Moses who is described in the Hebrew Bible. So what is their evidence for this? The only evidence they have is evidence from silence. Meaning there is no extra-biblical reference to...

United Airlines Destroys the Life of Another Disabled Person

Despite increasing scrutiny of their treatment of disabled passengers, airlines have continued their behavior undeterred. While the industry as a whole is complicit in this issue, two airlines seem to stand above the rest in the worst way possible: Air Canada and United Airlines. My last airline ...

Why I Hate My Voice As a Deaf Person

My OB-GYN’s hands were up my cervix as she raved about my lack of a Deaf accent. I was incensed, but in no position to sit up and defend my community. Driving home, I raged. What was so wrong with a Deaf accent? Recounting the tale to my mother, who agreed with the doctor’s abl...

As a Queer Person, Do People Challenge Your Self-Expression?

Everyone has their own way of expressing themselves. Whether it’s through clothing, hairstyle, tattoos, or makeup, we all show our individuality in various ways. Some expressions are subtle while others garner some reactions. When I dyed my hair purple, my mom said blandly, “What made...

Stop Asking “Would you Date a Trans Person?”

Would you date a trans person? This is a question that many cis people have probably asked themselves or have been asked. As trans people become more visible in society, I’m sure a cis man has looked at a trans woman like Kim Petras and asked himself “Would I have sex with her?” It...

Stop Asking “Would you Date a Trans Person?”

Whether or not you are ultimately supportive of trans people when discussing this question and no matter your answer, it is not a conversation that cis people should be having – especially not publicly. Recently, I watched a video where YouTuber Samantha Lux reacted to a video from the YouTube...

Facing Medical Care as a Transgender Person

Perhaps I should lead this post off with medical care as referring to myself as a “pre-opt” transgender woman. Since I have never had any of the gender affirming surgeries so appealing to more and more trans women, when I go to the hospital for any sort of a procedure I face the reality ...

The Third Richest Person In Illinois Is a Lawyer Who Dislikes Law

Chicago Police officers framed a young African-American kid for a robbery they knew he didn’t commit. His friend, Neil Bluhm, asked his mother to take him to every court date to support his friend. At the end of the trial, a talented lawyer proved the young kid’s innocence. This ...

Stop Asking “Would you Date a Trans Person?”

Whether or not you are ultimately supportive of trans people when discussing this question and no matter your answer, it is not a conversation that cis people should be having – especially not publicly. Recently, I watched a video where YouTuber Samantha Lux reacted to a video from the YouTube...

Can a Black Person Be Racist?

Now, if I said that Trump was corrupt and childish and should be prosecuted, he’d insult me too (c’mon, hit me, big boy). It’s his self-serving way of lashing out, which is significant in itself. But the larger philosophical issue is with his ad hominem attack on these people as &l...

The Behaviours of a Confident Person You Need to Emulate.

Speak up when you have something to say. Do not be afraid of speaking your mind. 2. Take time to relax and reflect on what you have achieved and achieving. 3. Be decisive when making decisions; trust your own judgement. 4. Make mistakes but learn from them. Recognize failure as a learning o...

The Truth About Being a ‘Woke’ White Person

Ifyou lived on a diet of Fox, OAN, Newsmax, Rumble, or any of the (plentiful) other right-wing media outlets, you’d likely despise the word ‘woke’ and everything it represented. Well… everything you thought it represented, that is. If pressed to define what ‘...

6 Ways A Black Person Can Tell A White Person Isn’t Racist

Black people can detect racists from a mile off. It’s the way they look at us — it’s often a look of disgust, deep hatred, or fear, and it shows. The minute we approach you, we can feel it — call it our sixth sense or survival instinct. Because we can feel that racism, we ...

Fuck Off About Taylor Swift Being Time’s Person of the Year

Perhaps it’s because I woke up sick again this morning, a week after my cold ended. Maybe it’s just that I’m impatient with willful ignorance. It’s certainly not because I’m a Swiftie. But I am fed the fuck up about everyone hating on Taylor Swift and her winning Time&r...

The Single Most Hated Question That I Got as a Mixed Race Person in America

I’ve lived on this planet for 34 years. During these years, I was asked one question more than any other. Where are you from? Ever since I could remember, back in my elementary school days, I’ve had people — young, old, and everywhere in between — come up to me to ask t...

How Can a Person Learn to Think Faster?

It means being able to find, formulate, and solve problems. An intelligent person can solve non-trivial and difficult problems. It would help if you learned to think. And most people don’t know how to think because they have never been taught. “Real” thinking, that is, tha...

Theory of Mind and Theory of Person

Higher primates appear to be self-conscious, at least if the mirror test is accepted as a valid indication of self-consciousness. In this test, a red spot is placed on the animals forehead where the animal will only be able to see it in a mirror. Most animals do not recognize their image in the mirr...


So today is Heritage Day in South Africa and its a time to celebrate all the different cultures and traditions that we enjoy in South Africa. My kids school celebrated Heritage Day on Friday and the brief was to dress them in traditional clothing and provide them with traditional food. Now whe...

8 underestimated signs of an insecure person.

I have always lived by the sentiment that an insecure person is a dangerous person, and I feel that it is time to broaden our understanding of insecurities and what being an insecure person can look like. Now a days, the word insecure is overused and overly attached to certain behaviors and scenario...

How Can a Person Learn to Think Faster?

What does it mean to be intelligent? It means being able to find, formulate, and solve problems. An intelligent person can solve non-trivial and difficult problems. It would help if you learned to think. And most people don’t know how to think because they have never been taught. &...

Are You The Same Person You Were As A Child?

I ran across an interesting article in The New Yorker Magazine (issue Oct. 10, 2022); Joshua Rothman’s “Becoming You”. Before reading any further, take a moment to reflect on your childhood memories. It’s slightly difficult, isn’t it? Rothman suggests “If we co...

What I learned from a conversation with a polyamorous woman on Thanksgiving — as a monogamous person

Christie isn’t the first polyamorous person I’ve met. I’ve always had a weird aversion to polyamory that I don’t express to poly people. I’ve tried to investigate it before, and I think I just don’t relate to that modus operandi. When I’m in love, I can find...