Tag: Party

The End of the Republican Party

Political parties have come and gone throughout American history; Alexander Hamiton was part of the Federalist Party, and Thomas Jefferson was a Democratic-Republican. We've had a Know-Nothing Party, an Anti-Masonic Party, and Whigs. All of them came to an end, none of t...

Trump’s Private Pool Party:

What’s good America? This is your boy, bringing you the latest on the Trump saga. The plot thickens as new developments emerge in the Donald Trump indictment case at Mar-a-Lago. The classified documents saga has taken a new turn with the indictment of Carlos De Oliveira, the head of Trump&rsqu...

It’s Time for a Third Party

Breaking the corporate, two-party stranglehold on our political system is the only way forward. The 2024 election might be the tipping point. “Keep money out of politics!” by Public Citizen is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0. Let’s get this out of the way fi...

“Law and Order Party” My Ass

It began with Donald Trump. This 8-year-long campaign to blatantly and shamelessly undermine and subvert America‘s rule of law. The climax of course being Trump’s 2021 refusal to participate in a peaceful transition of power. Subsequently, he and fellow Republicans in and out of Congr...

The End of the Republican Party (Part 2)

I don't claim to be clairvoyant, but looking ahead to the fate of the Republican Party is becoming ever more apparent. I wrote weeks ago about The End of the Republican Party, which includes the history of other political parties ending in America. The first step I predicted was an impeachment i...

The Fall Of The Political Party

The above graphic does not show the full danger of the discontent: almost half of younger voters now describe themselves as independents. This is the political environment of the future: increasing trends towards independence, combined with a leaning by the next generation tow...

The End of the Republican Party (Part 2)

I don't claim to be clairvoyant, but looking ahead to the fate of the Republican Party is becoming ever more apparent. I wrote weeks ago about The End of the Republican Party, which includes the history of other political parties ending in America. The first step I predicted was an impeachment i...

Bachelor Party and India

India Never Had the Concept of a Bachelor Party. Below are the concepts, which made up the bachelor party in India. Bachelor Party at Bridegroom House The only thing close to the bachelor party at the bridegroom's house is the `Ladies Sangeet’ where only women used to sing and dance....

Media Party Buenos Aires — Open call for proposals (October 5–7 at Ciudad Cultural Konex)

The core of Media Party is media innovation. Some of the themes around this include: generative AI, AI ethics, AI security and privacy. Alongside that focus, we will also explore wider issues in journalism such as the evolving local news ecosystem, misinformation, climate change, internet access, cr...

A rich-toddler’s Dublin party

“I spend a fortune on babyccinos,” a woman named Sarah told me from behind her YSL sunglasses. We were at a toddler’s garden party and had moved one step beyond the small talk you usually make with randomers, the awkward… “How do you know so and so? Do you live nearby?...

CASE 5: All Aboard The Incan Party Bus, Part 3

“I’ve found that, rather than make me feel like less of a man — if you can forgive the phrase in our modern, feminist era — taller women make me feel more masculine. It’s not the idea of conquest — I don’t much like dominance in any regard — unless, of...

Top 20 Features That Make DAER Dayclub a Pool Party Paradise

Nestled in the bustling center of Miami, USA, the DAER Dayclub is more than just your typical pool party spot. It’s a captivating tropical haven where the calm pool waters, soothing music, warm sun, and opulent atmosphere come together to create a Dayclub experience that’s unma...

Welcome back party

Inclines and declines, post-hoc fallacies, Levity, brevity, “It’s Britney, bitch!” The bass is too hard and the bar too sticky. Whatever you do, please don’t call it a gentlemen’s anything. I’ve seen enough bare bodies ignite me, and have seen faces foiled, ...

I was a local party boss in the 1970s and this was what I did all day

I was elected a District Leader in New York’s 69th Assembly District in 1977, my first electoral victory, and a rare tenured faculty member in office. I also was New York’s first openly gay elected official. This is what I did as a local party boss to make life a little easier for our co...

Deep House Vancouver — Loft Party Vibez

Opening track…. — Yep. Female vocal hook, “You,” swirling digital piano. 5:00 mark — Male croon, spinning synth . 10:45 — Nice. Smooth bass guitar riff, soft ambient keys. 13:30 — Catchy introspection. 16:50 — Music box Rhodes chimes. 20:40 &mdas...

Deep House Vancouver — Loft Party Vibez

Opening track…. — Yep. Female vocal hook, “You,” swirling digital piano. 5:00 mark — Male croon, spinning synth . 10:45 — Nice. Smooth bass guitar riff, soft ambient keys. 13:30 — Catchy introspection. 16:50 — Music box Rhodes chimes. 20:40 &mdas...

My Son Got A Goldfish As A Birthday Party Favor

Kids birthday parties nowadays are like little wedding showers. There are elaborate invitations. Chefs. Special meals. Custom cakes; often a large one for blowing candles and individual cupcakes for Covid-phobes who don’t eat spittled-upon confections. The invites go out at least a month in ad...

Pat Bond’s Last Best Christmas Party

Pat Bond was a pioneer lesbian performer. She began performing after her moving and funny interview in the 1977 documentary on gay people, Word is Out: Stories of Some of Our Lives. She toured the country with her solo shows, beginning in 1979. For most members of the audience, it was the ...


The logistics industry is the cornerstone of the supply chain that connects vendors with customers. There are an enormous number of companies operating in this broad space, playing different roles in taking a product from point A to point Z. In this article, I will briefly analyze the trends that ap...

The myth of the viable third party candidate

No third party candidate for US President has ever won. Ever! Since its inception, the U.S. political system has been largely dominated by a two-party system. However, third-party candidates have occasionally emerged, challenging the status quo and influencing election outcomes. ...

Should the Republican Party Die?

Is Donald Trump the cancer inside the body of the Republican party that will kill it eventually? As outrageous as the question may sound to Trump supporters, it is not unreasonable. Trump has been indicted for 91 felony counts, accused of rape in the E. Jean Carroll case, found guilty of business fr...

A Five Party America

As a product manager who routinely does market segmentation, this was absolutely fascinating. First off — doesn’t this make sense?! The Republican Party is probably going through the stronger identity crisis, which this survey cleanly describes. The “Nationalist Party&rdqu...

The United States Equalitarian Party

I’ve been working on an alternative democracy for 26 years. During this time, I have encountered many thinkers with many ideas for improving democracy. Most of these ideas are not that innovative. They either follow current models of democracy or regurgitate ideas from well-known political ...

We Need A New Political Party

We need a new political party in America. I’m not talking about fringe groups like Greens or Libertarians. We need a party that mainstream voters can join and find meaningful. A party that can win and govern effectively. What would this party look like? First of all, it’s impossible t...

The Hapless Third Party Choice

Dissatisfaction with our politics is rampant, as we know. Not only don’t we like the people, their ages and leanings, or their policies, we don’t like the divisions they promote. We allow polls to ask whether “the country is headed in the wrong direction” when that questio...

Why a Multi-Party Congress Would Not Revitalize American Democracy

American politics, we all know, has reached a dangerous inflection point. Indeed, the disturbing contemporary realities have become so commonly discussed that they hardly need to be restated (but I’ll do so anyway): decades of gridlock and dysfunction have resulted in exceptionally high levels...

The Anti-Democracy Party

The moniker “Republican,” has been used to label the anti-fascists of the Spanish Revolution, the anti-monarchists of the French Revolution, and the American political party embracing anti-slavery. And now the anti-democracy party? In the interest of “brand awareness,” ...


Some time ago someone asked if I was a Democrat or Republican. When I responded, “It depends, I have voted for both,” they asked me what had influenced me to vote the way I did. Other than to say, I “liked the candidate and what I believed he or she stood for,” I had trouble ...

Is White Privilege Blinding the Democratic Party?

In Associated Press news, Joey Cappelletti writes, “Michigan democrats warned the White House that Joe Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war could cost him support within the Arab American.” Seriously, is that what the Democrats think, they may lose the support of Arab...

Can party drugs be therapeutic?

First of all, most of today's party drugs have, at some point, been used therapeutically. The initial discovery often happened in a lab or has been around for so long, that its effects and side-effects are common knowledge. Some of them have even been tested as treatments against drug dependence...

Neom House Warming Party

In the heart of Saudi Arabia’s desert, Neom emerges as a beacon of the future. This ambitious project, known as The Line, represents a groundbreaking vision of urban living. As new residents prepare to settle into their condos, they face an intriguing cultural intersection, particularly in the...

How to Play Inappropriate Party Games in a Second Language

Over the holidays, my partner and I visited his family in France. While we were there, we played the game Limite Limite a few times. Limite Limite is essentially the French version of a popular anglophone party game called Cards Against Humanity. The two games aren’t affiliated with ...


The harsh sounds of the language have an almost guttural sound, unlike their romantic sisters, Italian, Spanish and French. Those languages are more singsongy, light with lots of upended intonations at the end of each word giving the listener more of the feeling of being sung to then spoken to. Port...