CASE 5: All Aboard The Incan Party Bus, Part 3

<p>&ldquo;I&rsquo;ve found that, rather than make me feel like less of a man &mdash; if you can forgive the phrase in our modern, feminist era &mdash; taller women make me feel more masculine. It&rsquo;s not the idea of conquest &mdash; I don&rsquo;t much like dominance in any regard &mdash; unless, of course, it&rsquo;s within the confines of consenting sex &mdash; but rather that there&rsquo;s more of you to admire.&ldquo; The second of my three Tinder misses &mdash; no pun intended &mdash; looked at me quizzically. I&rsquo;ve gotten used to this. Our culture is one extremely hostile to short men. I wish I could say that this has never bothered me &mdash; it has &mdash; but at a certain point, I&rsquo;ve had to accept that there&rsquo;s really nothing you can do about it, save accept yourself and hope other&rsquo;s do too. &ldquo;This is all to say, circuitously, that I find you very attractive.&rdquo; The five foot nine woman blinked away shock and began to seriously consider me as a sexual object, when Santi tapped me on the shoulder. The sudden appearance of my cartoonishly tall, dark and handsome friend dispelled any chance of my interactions with this woman going deeper than being small circles in one another&rsquo;s Tinder chats.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Incan Party