“Law and Order Party” My Ass

<p>It began with Donald Trump. This 8-year-long campaign to blatantly and shamelessly undermine and subvert America&lsquo;s rule of law. The climax of course being Trump&rsquo;s 2021 refusal to participate in a peaceful transition of power.</p> <p>Subsequently, he and fellow Republicans in and out of Congress have shown a general disregard and disdain for our criminal justice system and the U.S. Constitution.</p> <p>In the past week alone, we&rsquo;ve seen Alabama defy a Supreme Court order to add a second black district to its congressional map, and watched Texas Governor Greg Abbott defy the Department of Justice&rsquo;s order to remove floating barriers in the Rio Grande that are deemed dangerous and inhumane to migrants while disrupting US Border Patrol operations in the area.</p> <p>Before Trump, Republicans and Democrats would put aside policy differences on abortion, taxes, regulation etc and agreed on matters pertaining to the rule of law national security. Partisanship, they&rsquo;d say, ends at the shore (and usually at the Constitution as well).</p> <p>But in today&rsquo;s toxic partisan landscape, the party that once prided itself on being the party of&nbsp;<em>faith</em>, of&nbsp;<em>fiscal responsibility</em>, of&nbsp;<em>law and order</em>, of&nbsp;<em>national security</em>&nbsp;now only gives a shit about one thing:&nbsp;<em>winning</em>. At all costs. Regardless if economic peril, inhumanity, crime and autocracy are the ultimate cost.</p> <p><a href="https://abostroy.medium.com/law-and-order-party-my-ass-82d836abe111"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Order Party