Tag: My

How I Found the Good in My Life

Whatever your age, it feels unpleasant to look back and only recall challenges, struggles, and troubles. Imagine how the unpleasantness compounds after six decades of lived experience. This likely explains why I rarely looked back at my life. I didn’t want to open the Pandora’s box of...

Hand Me a Razor! I’m Starting to Look Like My Father

It happened. I woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and there he was, staring back at me. For women, it’s usually the mother at the worst possible age of her life wrinkling up the mirror. For me, it was Gigi — my hairy Italian Father. When I saw him, I gasped and ran away. What ...

Things I Couldn’t Tell My Mother

I love writing, as most everyone here does. However, over the years, I developed a habit of using my words as a shield to hide behind. I rarely offer insight or context in my poems, and I never argue with anyone about what they think it should mean. They might actually turn out to be right one day. ...

My Grandmother Placed Her Trust in Fortune Tellers

Lisette had set the crowded table of nine, consisting of her parents, her grandmother, a young cousin, herself and three siblings, and the handsome Italian soldier invited to supper. She became enamored just by looking at his features, dark hair and blue-green eyes, the color of the sea on the cu...

The True Source Of My Loneliness

I’ve always felt alone in a crowd of two. And three. And one hundred. And I’ve always questioned the root cause. Am I innately flawed? Or is it simply a dissatisfaction with the shallowness that I am forced to deal with on a daily basis? Am I equally as guilty of conversing in surface ri...

Beat Procrastination: Tips from Science and My Experience

I wanted to write a blog, but I put it off due to concern that I might not do it well. Does this sound familiar? Do you often put things off? There is a good chance that many of you reading this story are delaying doing something. You do not need to panic if you are. It is common to procrastin...

The Time Management Miracle: How I Went from Chaos to Control and Tripled My Productivity

Have you ever felt like you were drowning in a sea of to-do lists, deadlines, and constant distractions? I certainly did. My life was a never-ending race against the clock, with productivity always slipping through my fingers. But one day, everything changed. I stumbled upon the time management mira...

It’s Not True: On My Deathbed, I Will Be Wishing I Had Worked More

I studied like crazy in high school. I had to. I wanted to keep up with my super-smart peers, I wanted to do well, and I wanted to get into a “good” college. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do beyond those things, but I knew, at least, where I wanted to start. And I succeeded. I ...

I Can’t Find My Niche

Here we go again. I’ve come across another article stating how or why all artists need to find their niche. I’ll be honest, I don’t want to and you can’t make me. For a time I thought my magnum opus was painting water. I enjoy it for so many reasons. The ocean intoxicates me....

I released a playable portfolio as a Game Boy game for my website

I’m also doing other things, like voice overs for a YouTube channel, running a newsletter about Android development with two friends, and I’ve just started building physical products and playing around with the idea of checking how to sell things through Etsy. But I feel like I should...

Why I need Apple in my work

There’s no question that I’ve been an Apple loyalist since I was young. And the photo above was taken in 2020 where I started to write for my own time and at the same time working on a project that I thought would be a big thing back then. Macbook Air was my very first Mac laptop and rem...

What Happens Now That She Put Her Head On My Shoulder?

Her head was on my shoulder, and we held hands as we sat on the back patio of her house. Christmas lights illuminated red and pink roses, and crickets chirped in the summer night. We were strangers just a few hours earlier, but by midnight we were imagining ourselves as a couple, brainstorming portm...

MY DAD SAID “Was I a good dad?”

I went into the care home today and sat with dad. It is very hot in Glasgow at the moment so am all sticky and uncomfortable, but I sat on his bed and held his hand as I always do. He is still mobile but yet shaky and his mind his slowly defrosting but he always knows me. We sat in the quiet, I s...

The Best Thing I’ve Ever Put In My Mouth

I recently had the pleasure of discovering the most delicious pastry I’ve ever tasted at a buzzed-about café in Melbourne. This blissful bite literally made my brain melt with joy and totally justified the hype. I stopped into this renowned bakery, Lune Croissanterie, after...