Things I Couldn’t Tell My Mother
<p>I love writing, as most everyone here does. However, over the years, I developed a habit of using my words as a shield to hide behind. I rarely offer insight or context in my poems, and I never argue with anyone about what they think it should mean. They might actually turn out to be right one day. I feel it’s essential to allow people to interpret my work however they need to because art is meant to be felt, and who am I to dictate how it should make them feel once they experience it?</p>
<p>I began writing poetry when I was younger to express difficult situations and the trauma I experienced without having to reveal too much or too little of myself. I suppose anyone can transform a poem into a novel with some effort, but I’m not Dante. I’ve always feared being a burden to my audience or, worse, giving someone the opportunity to ask me about things I couldn’t tell my mother. At least here I can conceal some of my work behind a members-only wall. If it hasn’t become evident in this course of time, I’ll inform you now- I have a deep affection for walls.</p>
<p>Still, I’m not here to hide or make myself small anymore. I’m ready to share my art, blogs, and other musings with you. It won’t always be pretty, feel-good topics that I discuss. I’ll be sharing stories and poetry centered around heavy subjects such as religious trauma, sexual abuse, domestic violence, sex trafficking, addiction, and mental health. While these topics may be triggering to some, I promise to be mindful of the reader’s well-being while still speaking my truth.</p>
<p>I’m aware that this kind of transparency requires a fair amount of vulnerability, something I’m not adept at…<em>yet</em>. But I also recognize that stepping outside of my comfort zone is necessary for building connections, especially with my readers. This isn’t meant to be a self-help or personal development guide.</p>
<p>I don’t claim to know better than you when it comes to your life. Ultimately, I simply hope that my words can serve as a medium for you to work on becoming who you are right now and not ruminate on who you used to be. Which means self-healing, self-love, self-acceptance- it means letting love guide you and not fear. That’s not something you master overnight; it takes daily practice</p>
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