What Happens Now That She Put Her Head On My Shoulder?

<p>Her head was on my shoulder, and we held hands as we sat on the back patio of her house. Christmas lights illuminated red and pink roses, and crickets chirped in the summer night. We were strangers just a few hours earlier, but by midnight we were imagining ourselves as a couple, brainstorming portmanteaus that rival the likes of &ldquo;Brangelina.&rdquo; I was so smitten that I texted my sister and brother in-law immediately after, &ldquo;I think I&rsquo;ve found the one .&rdquo;</p> <p>Our banter continued over text in the ensuing days, but my initial optimism and excitement was tempered with caution.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@LoveLifeBoston/what-happens-now-that-she-put-her-head-on-my-shoulder-12f8d2cde380"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: My Shoulder