The True Source Of My Loneliness

<p>I&rsquo;ve always felt alone in a crowd of two. And three. And one hundred. And I&rsquo;ve always questioned the root cause. Am I innately flawed? Or is it simply a dissatisfaction with the shallowness that I am forced to deal with on a daily basis? Am I equally as guilty of conversing in surface ripples as everybody else and I just don&rsquo;t realize it?</p> <p>One of the biggest questions that drives me crazy is if others can feel as deeply as I do. Are other people&rsquo;s inner worlds as rich as mine? Do they yearn for a spiritual connection as well? What about the weight of all those unspoken expectations? I seriously struggle with that one. Oh, and all the mismatched emotional frequencies. Is that a divide I will ever be able to bridge?</p> <p>Identifying the source of one&rsquo;s loneliness is not an easy task. On one hand, we&rsquo;re tempted to turn to the past to figure out how the unresolved trauma plays a role in all of this. On the other hand, we reflect on all the things that don&rsquo;t allign with our core values that we&rsquo;re required to deal with in order to &ldquo;function&rdquo; in this society and think: &ldquo;Wait a minute, are we really the problem here?&rdquo;</p> <p>So what is the source of this loneliness? Probably a multitude of reasons. I think that, in my case, one of them is an inability to articulate my inner world. The interplay of thoughts, words and emotions that simply cannot be communicated effectively. After all, that&rsquo;s why I turned to writing and other creative outlets. It&rsquo;s the only place I can find relief in loneliness.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: My Loneliness