My Grandmother Placed Her Trust in Fortune Tellers

<p>Lisette had set the crowded table of nine, consisting of her parents, her grandmother, a young cousin, herself and three siblings, and the handsome Italian soldier invited to supper.</p> <p>She became enamored just by looking at his features, dark hair and blue-green eyes, the color of the sea on the cusp of the Amalfi coast.</p> <p>He made her nervous and when her mother urged Lisette to pour water from the earthen terracotta pitcher, Lisette&rsquo;s hand slipped and a puddle siphoned on to the soldier&rsquo;s lap and his pressed uniform.</p> <p>He laughed and told her not to worry, although it would have been a different story if it had been wine instead of water that had stained his uniform and his superiors would not have been happy.</p> <p>With that, everyone at the table erupted in laughter, but Lisette did not lose the nervous butterflies in her stomach until weeks later, when the handsome Umberto kissed her tenderly in the gazebo at twilight. She melted in his arms.</p> <p>Her wrinkled father did not mind them being together, since he had formed a bond with Umberto and his commanding officers who were protecting the region, but Lisette&rsquo;s mother would have nothing to do with the alliance.</p> <p>She had other plans for Lisette and her foolish husband could not back out now, especially after all the arrangements had been made and were soon to be finalized.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>
Tags: Grandmother My