MY DAD SAID “Was I a good dad?”

<p>I went into the care home today and sat with dad. It is very hot in Glasgow at the moment so am all sticky and uncomfortable, but I sat on his bed and held his hand as I always do. He is still mobile but yet shaky and his mind his slowly defrosting but he always knows me.</p> <p>We sat in the quiet, I smiled at him and he stared at me with the same blue eyes he gave me.</p> <p>&ldquo;Was I a good dad?&rdquo; he asked.</p> <p>Now after months in the care home and the surging emotions that has brought, I thought nothing could grab my throat and make me gulp. This did.</p> <p>&ldquo;Dad, you were not a good dad you were a brilliant dad&rdquo; I said. He squeezed my hand.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: My Dad