Tag: Mental

3 Golden Rules For Mental Happiness

Just come with me. Today, I will let you know about the real happiness. But before diving deep into my personal experience, I will define mental happiness shortly. What is mental happiness? Mental happiness is all about the emotional well-being of your brain. The emotional well-being of your b...

On Mental Toughness, Sexy V-Tapers, and Musical Productivity

Manximize-1–2–3 shares fortnightly insights on fitness, productivity, and masculine excellence. Plus, free access to my best articles, book picks, and more. I first sent this to my 5800+ subscribers a week ago. To get these editions fresh in your inbox, subscribe here. ...

Why You Will Never Truly Understand Mental Illness

Neurotypical individuals will never be able to fully grasp the idea of mental illness. They will never truly understand the nature of mental illness, or the way that it affects a person’s perception and understanding of the world. And that is because of two main issues which are directly relat...

How I Know Feminists LOVE Men

Torrents, currents, and ripples by Christyl Rivers, PhD This posting is very personal. To overcome vulnerability in order to post, it took me a few days to consider whether anyone out there could relate to, and possibly learn anything from, a story about suicide, mental health, society,...

The Book That Ended My YouTube Addiction

When I was stuck in a deep rut and YouTube rabbit hole a few months ago, I randomly came across an interview with Dr. Anna Lembke — a psychiatrist, author, and addiction specialist. Unexpectedly, I heard her say something that pierced through my apathetic slumber: &ldq...

Talk about the great golden age

In the midst of life's golden age, when retirement dreams beckon and leisurely pursuits await, a cancer diagnosis can feel like a dark cloud that shatters the idyllic vision. The word "cancer" carries with it fear, uncertainty, and sorrow. However, the human spirit is resilient, a...

Burning Out While the World is Burning Down

Writing about activism and politics can be difficult. Part of the gig is that you have an eye on what’s going on around the world, and a front-row seat to the news when things go horribly wrong. There are days when it feels overwhelming. Look, another wildfire. Look, another law that target...

Diagnosing Your Own Mental Health Condition Can Be a Recipe for Disaster

Welearn by trying new things. But sometimes it’s best not to go there. Don’t answer “Do these pants make me look fat?” Don’t press the nuclear launch button. And don’t use the internet to diagnose yourself with a mental health condition. For years public health...

Why I left academia

“I think you’ve already decided. You have all the answers figured out; you need to listen to yourself.” This was the usual type of ending to a conversation I’d have, on average, with two or three students every year. They would knock on my office door and ask if I had time...

4 Mental Habits That Will Make You More Productive

In other words, you can learn all the best productivity frameworks, techniques, and strategies in the world, but if you’re at war with your own mind, you’ll always struggle to get things done. Genuine productivity comes from training your mind and emotions to support your work, not ...

What it means to be human: How nonprofit news organizations bring mental health reporting to the…

As a practicing nurse through the 1990s, Rose Hoban witnessed many patients whose care was impeded — often by health care policies they didn’t know existed. To help advance the cause of her patients, she soon pivoted to journalism — joining North Carolina Public Radio (WUNC) in ...

Special Report: The United States of Depression

Depression is the №1 mental health challenge in the United States, tearing people apart in every corner of the country and every demographic group. It is also widely misunderstood, often stigmatized, and frequently not diagnosed or treated properly. Wise & Well writers — physic...

The Pitfalls of Mental Masturbation: Are Your Thoughts Going Nowhere?

Have you ever found yourself lost in deep, thought-provoking discussions or daydreaming about abstract concepts without any clear purpose or practical application? If so, you might have experienced what some call "Mental Masturbation." In this blog post, we'll explore this concep...

4 Mental Habits That Will Make You More Productive

In his classic book on peak performance, Timothy Gallwey wrote: Neither mastery nor satisfaction can be found in the playing of any game without giving some attention to the relatively neglected skills of the inner game. This is the game that takes place in the mind of the player, and it is pla...

Media and Mental Pleasure

A story about people will always be more seductive to a broader group than a story about ideas.” — Chris Williamson (Modern Wisdom, E676) Who do you watch on social media? Political leaders or commentators? Famous brothers? Maybe a criminal or a well known philanthropist. How many...

The Meaning of Being Recognized as a Global Thought Leader in Mental Health

My passion for mental health isn’t driven by financial gain. It’s a calling I embrace wholeheartedly. My personal blogs, guest posts, and substack newsletters have always been freely offered to the public. My mission is to provide tacit knowledge that can empower my rea...

The Mental Challenge of Covid Was More Than I Bargained For

When I tested positive for Covid on Sep 10, I knew I was in for a battle. The infection started with bad bloating and gas pains, which then progressed to a pounding headache. Soon enough, other symptoms like coughing and chills followed suit. The only thing to do was to let my body rest and fight of...

4 Lesser-Known Mental Models That Save Me 30+ Hours Every Week

I’m the kind of person who wants to exploit as much juice as I can out of my life. And hence, I like to be productive and taking as much action as I can. To that end, I’ve learned or developed mental models that allow me to save time and get more done on any given day. In this article...

Declutter Your Mind: Downsizing Mental Junk Can Transform Your Fitness Results

Let’s be real — trying to get fit when your mind is cluttered with stress, anxiety, and overwhelm is like trying to sprint through waist-deep mud. Impossible, right? But what if you could harness your inner Professor X and telepathically declutter your mind using one simple mental ...

Anime and Mental Health: How Japanese Animation Helps Fans Cope

Today I’m going to talk about an interesting and a very famous art type which is an Anime . It is a Japanese word which means ‘cartoon’ and is correctly pronounced as “Ah-nime" . It holds a special place in the hearts of the fans. Recent studies ha...

Doodle for your Mental Health

I am not an artist but I’ve always liked drawing. The more I’ve done it the more I’ve found that the kind of drawing I really like isn’t exactly drawing, it’s elaborate doodling. Probably because I’m not good enough to do any more than that, or because I don&rsquo...

Video Games & Mental Health

As humorously depicted in the Netflix film 8-Bit Christmas, panic over video games is nothing new. From former New York mayor Fiorello LaGuardia, smashing pinball machines with a sledgehammer as far back as the 1940s (yes, really) to the lawsuits filed against Doom creators, iD Softwa...

Scaling Teams Mobile Development — The Mental Model

In the article Scaling Teams Mobile Development — Evolving the design pattern we explored how multiple partner teams working on a large code base can be streamlined by employing the contributor design pattern. I decided to write this article as a prequel. In this article we will disc...

Scaling Teams Mobile Development — The Mental Model

In the article Scaling Teams Mobile Development — Evolving the design pattern we explored how multiple partner teams working on a large code base can be streamlined by employing the contributor design pattern. I decided to write this article as a prequel. In this article we will disc...

Why we should rethink about workplace and mental health

Last month, my department head Ingrid headed out of the office abruptly after having received a call. Her voice was trembling and she sounded extremely worried, as she asked a colleague to catch an Uber to the hospital. Even though I might not be close to Ingrid, both at work and personally, I...

An art installation that improves mental health

World Mental Health Day is October 10 — a good time to think about what you can do to help people with mental health disorders and improve your own mental health. New York is a tough place to be if you have a neuropsychiatric illness. Big cities are stressful, and the Big Apple is one of th...

The Climate Crisis: An Existential Threat to Mental Health

As our climate continues its steady march toward catastrophic change, the effects on human health and society are becoming increasingly apparent. For many, the climate crisis represents an existential threat not just to physical health and safety but also to mental and emotional well-being. The grow...

The 3 Mental Challenges that Caused 22% of Appalachian Trail Thru-hikers To Quit Hiking

A mental challenge for students is to pay attention no matter how boring their professor is (props to my students who force themselves to listen to me drone on and on). A mental challenge for professional athletes is to deal with the fear that they’ll do poorly, get kicked off the team, and...

The Simple Mental Model That Changed My Financial Life

When it comes to spending money, I’ve made so many mistakes. When I think about the amount of money I’ve wasted in the past, I feel bad in my stomach. I didn’t have the best mental model for my financial life back then. As someone who practices Stoicism and Mindfulness, I&nbs...

Oct. 13 | API in Ga. for mental health talk

The American Press Institute is in GA today, and on the agenda: Examining mental health issues and assistance for journalists. A few of us in the GNC group are huddled up downtown with about 25 people from across the country. We will certainly share some findings; ideally host a future event. ...

AI-Driven Mastery: How AI Integration Can Boost Your Legal Practice AND Mental Well-Being

Today, I will dive into the legal industry’s AI revolution and share insights on how embracing advanced technology can empower you to achieve a better work-life balance and professional success. This article isn’t going to be about tools, resources, and “nuts and bolts,” s...

Mental Illness and Gun Control

He thought about how his classmates teased him relentlessly. As payback, he plans to subjugate them. With his assault weapon pressed against their head, he wants to force his enemies to get on their knees. Any slight movement, and they’ll die. His victims will cry about how they’re...

Multiracial Mental Health (Part I): The Mixed Experience

I am the multiracial child of a Taiwanese immigrant, herself the child of parents who fled the Chinese Communist Revolution, and a White parent with French–Scottish heritage. I spent my childhood summers in Taiwan and the rest of the year in San Antonio, Texas. In Texas, my brother and I we...

Your Amazing, Personalized Mental Dictionary

The days of having a dictionary on your bookshelf are numbered. But that’s OK, because everyone already walks around with a dictionary — not the one on your phone, but the one in your head. Just like a physical dictionary, your mental dictionary contains information about wo...

The Secret to Saving Your Band from 99% of Mental Problems: Taking Nothing Personally

In the rock and metal music worlds, where passion runs deep and emotions are often amplified, the journey of musicians is not always a harmonious headbang. Behind the roaring guitars and thunderous drums lies a turbulent landscape where artists navigate the complexities of fame, creativity, and pers...

I Was Forced to Reveal My Mental Illness and I Am Grateful

Introduction: Why I Always Hid My Mental Illness There was a time I was terrified of people learning about my sickness. One would think otherwise, looking at the articles I have written over the past three years. But I was not always comfortable discussing my ‘illness’, an umbrella...

Porn Addiction: Weeding His Mental Garden Helped Luke Find His Better Version

Amidst the dynamic landscape of the internet era, a subtle yet profound struggle emerged in Luke’s life after his 40s. In the quiet corners of his daily existence, an insidious challenge silently took root, its tendrils intricately weaving through the very fabric of his soul and well-being. ...

Spiritually Bypassing Mental Illness

He picked it up from someone in Peru where he traveled on the Amazon drinking Ayahuasca before it was cool. Or safe. Of course, Courtney didn’t care about safe. He passed me a pipe. Try this. Cool, I said again. I was too high to say much else. Nor did I care. I figured I would feign intere...

3 Mental Shifts to Help You Make Peace with Your Body

Sometimes, people gave me a different version of the message, cloaked in concern for their health: “I know it’s just not healthy for me to weigh this much…I’ve got to get this weight off before [summer, the holidays, my class reunion…] And then the next thing so ma...

Mental Wellness Strategies: Practical Tips for Managing Stress and Anxiety

In today’s rapid-paced world, nurturing mental well-being stands as a cornerstone for holistic health. The ability to manage stress and anxiety becomes pivotal in fostering a healthy mind and body. Here, we delve into practical strategies aimed at navigating challenging times and nurturing&nbs...

Your Amazing, Personalized Mental Dictionary

The days of having a dictionary on your bookshelf are numbered. But that’s OK, because everyone already walks around with a dictionary — not the one on your phone, but the one in your head. Just like a physical dictionary, your mental dictionary contains information about wo...