Why You Will Never Truly Understand Mental Illness

<p>Neurotypical individuals will never be able to fully grasp the idea of mental illness. They will never truly understand the nature of mental illness, or the way that it affects a person&rsquo;s perception and understanding of the world. And that is because of two main issues which are directly related to each other: the first one is&nbsp;<strong>subjectivity</strong>; the second one, which stems directly from the first, is the commonly accepted definition of &ldquo;<strong>normal</strong>&rdquo; in our society.</p> <p>The first thing to understand about &ldquo;normalcy&rdquo; is that it is a highly&nbsp;<em>subjective</em>&nbsp;concept: for a neurotypical person, &ldquo;normal&rdquo; will apply to everything they feel and experience in their day-to-day life, and that way of perceiving and experiencing things is the blueprint for society&rsquo;s definition of &ldquo;normal&rdquo;. However, what most people perceive as &ldquo;normal&rdquo; could be much better defined as &ldquo;<strong>habitual</strong>.&rdquo; Neurotypical people are&nbsp;<em>used to</em>&nbsp;perceiving things and people in a certain way. They have since they were born.&nbsp;<em>That</em>&nbsp;is the paradigm for &ldquo;normalcy&rdquo; that they come to accept as universal and therefore unquestionable.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/invisible-illness/why-you-will-never-truly-understand-mental-illness-c605ad657199">Click Here</a></p>
Tags: Mental Illness