Why You Will Never Truly Understand Mental Illness
<p>Neurotypical individuals will never be able to fully grasp the idea of mental illness. They will never truly understand the nature of mental illness, or the way that it affects a person’s perception and understanding of the world. And that is because of two main issues which are directly related to each other: the first one is <strong>subjectivity</strong>; the second one, which stems directly from the first, is the commonly accepted definition of “<strong>normal</strong>” in our society.</p>
<p>The first thing to understand about “normalcy” is that it is a highly <em>subjective</em> concept: for a neurotypical person, “normal” will apply to everything they feel and experience in their day-to-day life, and that way of perceiving and experiencing things is the blueprint for society’s definition of “normal”. However, what most people perceive as “normal” could be much better defined as “<strong>habitual</strong>.” Neurotypical people are <em>used to</em> perceiving things and people in a certain way. They have since they were born. <em>That</em> is the paradigm for “normalcy” that they come to accept as universal and therefore unquestionable.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/invisible-illness/why-you-will-never-truly-understand-mental-illness-c605ad657199">Click Here</a></p>