How I Know Feminists LOVE Men
<p>Torrents, currents, and ripples by <strong>Christyl Rivers,</strong> PhD</p>
<p><em>This posting is very personal. To overcome vulnerability in order to post, it took me a few days to consider whether anyone out there could relate to, and possibly learn anything from, a story about suicide, mental health, society, ecopsychology, and roles.</em></p>
<p><em>Finally, I realized “I don’t know.” But, maybe?</em></p>
<h2>On being spontaneously vulnerable</h2>
<p>Superb writer <a href="" rel="noopener">Linda Caroll</a>, wrote a wonderful article about some of the ways men and women are socialized differently in a sexist world.</p>
<p>The rigid roles men and women are programmed to, even affect death by one’s own hand. Men are more successful at suicide because they are more likely to use a gun, or violent means. They feel a need to be more forceful, more manly, more “brave.”When it comes to expressing your feelings, what is a more powerful tool than a gun, or a car?</p>
<p>A man may not feel emotionally safe to cry, but he can feel despair enough to express a wish to die.</p>
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