Tag: Meeting

The Anatomy of a Good Meeting

Why is the richest man in the world reinventing how meetings work? Because they are bad. Like really bad. Pointless meetings cost businesses $156 million a year. Yep, that’s not a typo, millions and millions. Astronomic numbers. And most of the time? The answer is obvious. After spending...

My Fascination With Time is Because I Got Kicked Out of a Meeting For Being Late

Bynow, you know I’m fascinated with time. If you’re not, let me tell you why. Fellow writer  Bette A. Ludwig  will vouch for that. You only have so much time to get things done in life. The more time you waste, the less time you have. It doesn’t matter what yo...

How to act as Servant Leader at postmortem meeting

In this article, I would like to share some thoughts and practical tips on how to behave as a Servant Leader during a postmortem meeting after a significant outage in the software that impacted the clients and irritated the company management. The following situation is quite standard f...

Meeting Monster: What a price to pay!

Once in my work life, I experienced a forced situation where I had to be in many excessive meetings, which made me sacrifice my own priority work and compromise on how and when to complete it. I am a typical employee who feels fulfilled and very happy in her job when she can learn and earn a lot of ...

Too Many Meetings at Work? Here’s How To Stop the Meeting Madness

Too many meetings. I had said those three words way too many times that month. Sometimes as a fleeting comment to myself. Other times in the form of self-pity as this excessive, self-absorbed unhappiness over the current state of my work. Instead of shouting at the top of my lungs and gettin...

5 Key Steps to Ensure You’re Ready for Every Meeting!

What does it take to be fully prepared for any meeting? We go over 5 key steps with some helpful free templates along the way! Coming to meetings without preparing in advance is such a common occurrence that we barely bat an eye anymore when it happens. And yet, we’ve all felt the diffe...

Icebreakers You Can Steal For a Better Meeting (I Promise)

What kicks off a day of collaborative work on a good note? How do you create a sense of camaraderie amongst colleagues or perfect strangers? The truth is simple: icebreakers. Now, bear with me, because I know there’s a perception that they’re old school, or fluffy, or even cheesy. But...

5 Meeting Strategies That Help Introverts Share Their Ideas

In every meeting, amazing ideas go unspoken. While extroverts share their thoughts confidently, introverts hold themselves back. They’ve got buckets of value to add, yet they get drowned out in a busy meeting. As a manager, you need to give everyone an equal voice, otherwise, decisions will...

The 6-Minute Investor Meeting

The most effective investor meeting I have ever attended was an introductory meeting with a potential investor. It was done in mere 6 minutes. The sales guy kicked things off with a friendly introduction. Then smoothly transitioned into the pitch, to explain the project’s details. But just...

Overscheduled and Overwhelmed: My Battle Against Meeting-Mania

Meetings, meetings, meetings. As a CTO, my calendar gets jam-packed with what feels like back-to-back meetings from dawn to dusk if I’m not vigilant. Don’t get me wrong — I know meetings are critical. But as an introvert, too many meetings drain my energy and make me anxious. At ti...

Meeting Madness: Save Your Time (and Sanity)!

“If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be ‚meetings.’” – Dave Barry, American Journalist Vacation time is over — everybody is back at work. Actua...

10 One-on-One Meeting Templates for Engaged Teams

Looking for a one-on-one meeting template for your meetings with direct reports? Here are 10 different one-on-one meeting agenda templates you can use to have great conversations: Weekly check-in one-on-one meeting Chronological one-on-one meeting Bi-weekly one-on-one meeting ...

A Ten-Step Process for Team Leaders to Reduce Meeting Overload and Take Back Their Time

A few months ago, I started a new job as the leader of a busy team of consultants. Within days of starting, I found myself inundated with meetings, and the expectation seemed to be that I represent our team at board meetings, client meetings, external engagements, you name it. Being eager to plea...

How To Get The Most Out Of 1:1's

Introduction When you already suffer from meeting fatigue, the last thing you want to see on your calendar is even more meetings. However, 1:1’s are very important to hold and attend whenever possible. Having that opportunity to connect directly with someone and discuss whatever’s on ...

Reaching Peak Meeting Efficiency

There over 7 million Google and 13,000 Giphy search results for “hate meetings”. There are almost as many for “love meetings” but that is just irony. Beyond that there are countless posts on time and money wasted in meetings — ”This Company Spent 300,000 Hours ...

Zoom Meeting Etiquette 101

With 62% of global remote workers working from home at least occasionally, and employers and corporations adapting to hybrid work models, it looks like remote working is here to stay. Consequentially, so too are the unavoidable Zoom meetings. But gone are the days of hiding behind a ...

Please Don’t Invite Me to Another Pointless Work Meeting

When you become a manager of people, there’s always someone who will emphasize that with great power comes great responsibility, as if they’re dropping some novel wisdom on you (and not cribbing from Spider-Man comics). However true this may be, there’s an actual bit of useful...

All Those Meetings Are Holding You Back: 5 Tips to Cut Your Company’s Meeting Time in Half

Feel like you spend too much time in meetings (and not enough time actually doing the work)? You probably do … and you’re not alone. Over 60% of people say they don’t have enough uninterrupted work time, and studies show that most of us are spending on average an enti...

WFH? 13 Ways to Master the Remote Only Meeting

In today’s fast-paced and digitally connected world, remote-only meetings have become a standard practice for businesses and organizations of all sizes. Whether you’re managing a team scattered across the globe or simply adapting to the demands of the modern workforce, running effective ...

Time to Explore timeOS: The AI Powerhouse for Meeting Management

Join us as we delve into the depths of timeOS, a virtual assistant designed to transform the way you handle meetings, notes, and scheduling. Remember, while we uncover its features, keep in mind that you should always explore and evaluate tools based on your specific requirements. Unveil...

Setting Up Your First Studio Meeting: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hello! Welcome to Studio, your go-to cloud-based video conferencing platform for seamless meetings and collaboration. If you’re gearing up for your first Studio meeting and wondering how to get started, you’re in the right place. Whether you’re meeting with colleagues, clie...

4 ways to engage the disengaged people in your meeting

Hard-to-handle participants are par for the course if you frequently facilitate meetings and workshops. How many of us have been in meetings where one person throws off the entire group with their remarks, disinterest, or general resistance to the task at hand? While it’s stressful when these ...

This Meeting Could Have Been…

This meeting could have been an email. Or a Slack message. This meeting could have been a swift kick in the dick. This meeting could have been a spiritual journey where we all learned something very special about one another. An opportunity to experience some real warmth and growth. This me...

9 Agile Meeting Agenda Templates to Energize your Team

The Scrum framework involves working in shorter time frames, called sprints or scrums, which provides time to adjust and to be more effective long-term. A sprint or a scrum uses sets of intervals, where your team allocates a specific amount of time to each task. At the end of each scrum...

I Will Not Be Attending Your Meeting

Are you planning a meeting and wondering why I won’t be there? Here’s the answer: I haven’t been invited yet. But wait, there’s more. Even if I do receive an invitation, it’s not a guarantee that I’ll attend. It all depends on the type of meeting and my s...

The Silent Meeting Manifesto v1: Making meeting suck a little less

Meetings suck. It’s a universally accepted truth. I’m here to tell you that they don’t have to. I’m writing with the fervor of a missionary to stop terrible meetings. After discovering Silent Meetings I am converted. This article is meant to be put to use. It’s pa...

How to Run Your First Design Meeting with a Client

The first client meeting can be intimidating, especially for beginners. I still get nervous before one, even with practice and preparation. My design projects are typically web or mobile applications, but you can interchange them with whatever project you work on. Some people have clients right f...

With These 6 Ways You Will Lead A Meeting More Effectively

) Plan your agenda carefully, covering all the issues that need to be discussed by deciding in advance not only what topics will be covered, but also the order in which they will be discussed, the meeting will go much more smoothly. b) When ordering topics, put the most complex points at the begi...

6 Meeting Templates for Retrospectives and Reflection

Retrospective meetings are a great opportunity for a team to learn and grow. By reflecting back on a specific project or time period, the team can focus on what went well and what can be improved for next time. To get the most out of retrospective meetings, try using a meeting template&...

Finding Your Tribe: A Digital Nomad’s Guide to Meeting Kindred Spirits

As I strolled through the winding streets of Chiang Mai, past lantern-lit cafes and aromatic food stalls, I was reminded of my initial days as a digital nomad. Alone in a foreign land, with a laptop as my trusty companion, I yearned for connections, for like-minded souls who understood the allure an...

My Odyssey: When Innocent Questions Unleash the Meeting Monster

Ever wondered how a simple question could transform into a meeting marathon? Join me on a journey through the unexpected twists and turns of workplace communication, and learn how to navigate the meeting maze with finesse. We’ve all been there — you have a quick and simple question at...

Pre Meeting, Meeting, Post Meeting — Leveraging the Pre and Post

We all hate meetings. Maybe not all of us. My therapist said I wasn’t supposed to use words like always or never, but I am pretty sure we all hate meetings. Yet we have them because… Well, we have them because that is the way we work. I am not totally sure who came up with this idea, bu...

Nigeria’s Delegates Arrive Abu Dhabi for UN’s Climate Meeting #ADClimateMeeting

The United Arab Emirates’ Ministry of Climate Change and Environment is set to host over 1,000 participants representing over 150 countries for a high-level Climate Meeting at the Presidential Palace, Abu Dhabi on 30th June and 1st July 2019. The UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, ...

Meeting Dolly the Sheep in Edinburgh

Dolly the sheep, the world’s first ever cloned mammal, passed away in 2003 after 7 eventful (by your average sheep’s standard) years of life. Today, her body can be seen for free at the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh. Photo by Adam Wilson on Unsplash Th...

FaB Founders meeting. Hermosa Beach. FaB Fashion and BeautyTech

We curated this content (Odile and Camille), but asked one of the founders participating to add her quotes, thank you Christine Koppinger founder of Minu SkinCare! -  funding: mix of BAs and micro VCs, adding skills to their investment, crowdfunding for some, banks become more creative on th...

nice meeting you, Vancouver

A month ago, my sister visited. It marked a year since I moved to Vancouver. Reddit forums called it « the hardest city in the world to make friends », and more than one kind soul warned me of the untenable loneliness crystallized by damp grey winters. Luckily, I don’t need many...

How a Random Meeting Changed a Stranger’s Life

I leaned up against the bar, elbows resting on the sticky surface — like a scene from Pulp Fiction — while I scanned the dim room. It was buzzing in every shadowy nook and cranny. A sea of gay men — mostly shirtless — looked back at me as if I were a sunflower in a rice paddy...

More Details on the GOP Meeting to Form a New Party

More than 120. That was a lot of Zoom windows. I can’t even imagine how you would manage a discussion on Zoom involving that many people. All of them are united in their disgust over the party’s refusal to stop Trump’s efforts to undermine democracy as demonstrated by his attemp...

Answer This Question

A virtual meeting, A Moment of Collective Grieving, brought people together to grieve for everyone affected by the atrocities in Israel. Led by Rabbi Emily Cohen, it was a deeply emotional moment shared by hundreds of grief-stricken people seeking a place of spiritual refuge. I left this meetin...