5 Meeting Strategies That Help Introverts Share Their Ideas

<p>In every meeting, amazing ideas go unspoken.</p> <p>While extroverts share their thoughts confidently, introverts hold themselves back. They&rsquo;ve got buckets of value to add, yet they get drowned out in a busy meeting. As a manager, you need to give everyone an equal voice, otherwise, decisions will be based on half the available data.</p> <p>This article explains five techniques I&rsquo;ve found invaluable for helping quieter team members to share their thoughts.</p> <h1>1. Use a Writing-Based Meeting Format</h1> <p>Most meetings are a noisy free-for-all.</p> <p>Confident people dominate the airtime, leaving no space for quieter people to share their perspectives. To create a level playing field, try using a meeting format that places less emphasis on talking.</p> <p>Here are two simple formats for gathering ideas through writing:</p> <p><strong>Brainwriting</strong>&nbsp;&mdash; Pose a question to your team and ask them to write ideas on an index card. After 5 minutes, everyone passes their card to a neighbour. For the next 5 minutes, they add more ideas to the card, inspired by the existing contents. Repeat this as many times as you want, and then collect the cards and talk through them.</p> <p><strong>Post-it Notes</strong>&nbsp;&mdash; Any brainstorming or feedback session can be tackled with Post-It Notes. Instead of shouting out ideas, ask your team to write notes and stick them to the wall. After 10 minutes, assign a moderator to narrate the notes and group them by themes.</p> <p>New formats are fun for everyone in your team, not just the introverts you seek to help. Try a few different options and mix it up to keep it interesting.</p> <p><a href="https://duncansblog.medium.com/5-meeting-strategies-that-help-introverts-share-their-ideas-f7a614f75021"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>