Tag: Managers

The Problem with Non-Coding Managers

I know we’re all experts in a dying field these days. Software developers are reaching the end of their shelf-life in respect of paid work. This means that the rush to become senior is being replaced by a rush into management. After all, you can’t easily automate those ...

The Problem with Coding Managers

My article about non-coding managers made sense. That article referred to my experience working with a tech manager who simply didn’t code (or do much of anything else, frankly). That isn’t my only poor experience working with managers in my software development career. This...

Here’s Why You Should Hand Over Product Prioritization to Engineering Managers

In this series, we’ll explore how transferring prioritization responsibilities from product to engineering leaders can unlock enhanced team velocity. We’ll first delve into the main benefits of employing this change. Subsequent posts will discuss how to assess the suitability of this app...

How senior product managers think differently

I often got asked how a product manager could get promoted to a more senior level. The truth is, getting a promotion is often a complicated game. Yes, your skills and achievements play a role, but so do other factors such as how much your manager cares about developing talents, how good and tenured ...

High-leverage Activities for Engineering Managers

Every manager has the same number of hours in a day, yet some consistently achieve better results, foster innovation, and cultivate teams that are both happy and highly productive. What sets these managers apart? The secret often lies in their commitment to high-leverage activities. As you naviga...

From Busy to Productive: Time Management Tips for Engineering Managers

Being an engineering manager often involves walking a tightrope of numerous responsibilities and tasks. However, amid the hustle, it’s easy to fall into common pitfalls that can negatively impact both personal performance and team dynamics. Poor delegation, for instance, can lead to micromanag...

The Employee Value Proposition Canvas: A Tool for Human Resource Managers

The Australian workforce is currently facing a crisis, with a large number of workers considering quitting their jobs, and many others reporting feeling exhausted at work. Falling unemployment and rising burnout suggest that a change could be afoot. Workers are starting to expect more from thei...

Employee Resource Group Management: A Guide for Program Managers (Part 2)

This article is a three-part series to guide program managers in-charge of Employee Resource Groups programs based on the size of their organization. For Employee Resource Group (ERG) program managers at organizations with an employee base of more than 2000 but less than 10000 employees, the chal...

Why Managers Fear Asynchronous Work (And Why They Shouldn’t)

I’ve been a fan of async work ever since I’ve heard of it, and I just wrote recently about how I believe it’s the best solution to improve both productivity (which I’m a big fan of) and employee engagement. But async is not an option for a lot of people (the majo...

Accelerating Experience for Newly Minted Managers

In an ideal world, when you start a new project, product line, or spin-out a successful feature into its own team, all you need is to hire a great manager, a few talented engineers, a designer…etc, and kick things off to great success. Unfortunately, as it comes to no one’s surprise,...

Why all new managers want to quit

Over the years I’ve had a lot of coaching conversations with managers. Whether they be managers I’ve appointed, managers I’ve been coaching, managers I’ve trained or managers I’ve inherited. One of the common themes running through these conversations among managers who...

New Managers: How do you manage a more experienced team?

You’re a new manager to a team. You want to make a difference, start off well but you might be worried about your age, lack of experience as a manger, lack of experience in the field of work or lack of experience with people. You might be worried that people won’t trust your judgement...

Managers Will Shift The Narrative On “Feedback” Based On Their Feelings About In-Office Work

Before we get too deep into this, let’s just say this up top: a big reason for return to office (RTO) isn’t “increased productivity,” because in reality productivity has been declining for literal decades at this point: Our long-running, drastic reduction in prod...

Why Managers Need To Be Positive

Debating whether you should keep an upbeat attitude for your team? What effect could it really have? Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash Have you ever had a manager that would complain about their boss or some external factors and being unable to change anything? Not only is ...

5 Key Reasons Good Managers Are So Rare

We live in unprecedented times. There’s never been more training courses and management blogs. You’d think we’d be in a leadership renaissance. But individuals can only do so much. To grow, you need guidance. You need coaching. You need the opportunity and the time to realise yo...

Top 10 Questions Managers are asking during 1:1 Meetings

I love 1:1 meetings. It’s a chance to swap feedback and make sure our company is working. It’s also one of the reasons we built SoapBox bot — a bot to help people have productive 1:1 and team meetings. The reaction has been overwhelming: Managers from over 500 of the best...

Ingress Controllers: Basics for Product Managers

Inthe dynamic ecosystem of Kubernetes, understanding the various components is crucial for product managers overseeing containerized applications. One such component that plays a pivotal role in the communication fabric of Kubernetes is the Ingress Controller. This article delves into the basics of ...

Are MLB Managers Worth $8 Million?

Of all top-tier professional coaching jobs, the most irrelevant may be that of the Major League Baseball manager. What is a Major League Baseball manager worth, salary-wise? Certainly not $8 million in 2024. If you DNA spliced a hybrid of Connie Mack, Sparky Anderson, and Bobby Cox, I still would...

Why I might never become a manager

Asian Americans are the least likely racial group in the United States to be promoted to management, despite being in a racial group that makes up 12% of the professional workforce — while making up 5.6% of the U.S. population. The large number of us in the workforce obviously doesn&rsquo...