Tag: Lane

REVIEW: Good cafe in Melbourne with the world’s most Instagrammed cake: Black Star Pastry at Driver Lane, Melbourne

Strawberry Watermelon Cake Picture this: layers of delicate cream infused with rose water nestled between almond dacquoise, a delectable nut meringue. But that’s not all-this cake takes a unique twist by incorporating refreshing slices of watermelon, topped with succulent strawberries, grap...

Hosier Lane: Where vandalism and street art negotiate

Street art has been the heart of Melbourne’s cultural identity for many years. It has become integral to Hosier Lane, which is now considered a tourist spot in the central business district, well-known for its art filled-laneway. The street art on Hosier Lane are passively allowed without...

What Has Happened to Hosier Lane?

Hosier Lane is a small lane in Melbourne. One lane in a city that's famous for its laneways and vibe. In the city's grid layout, it links two streets. It's a cut-through to the heritage landmark of Flinders Street Station and Federation Square and then over the Yarra River. I'm in...

Bluestone Lane

NICK: I moved to the states in September 2010. I was a full-time student. I couldn’t believe when I was going to Uni that the coffee experience was going to Starbucks or a local deli, which felt really transactional and had none of the amazing elements that are underappreciated in Melbourne. C...

Simplicity in the Fast Lane

Living in New York, the city that never sleeps, I’ve experienced firsthand how the fast-paced lifestyle can stealthily introduce stress and burnout into our lives. But I found a powerful ally in minimalist mindfulness, a transformative approach that has helped me navigate this world of constan...

Building a lane detection system

 reading several articles I found that , each of these preprocessing steps are data set dependent. Lane lines are always yellow and white. Yellow can be a tricky color to isolate in RGB space, so lets convert instead to Hue Value Saturation or HSV color space. You can find a target...

Implementing Lane Detection in CARLA using LaneNet

I have been working on road lane detection using LaneNet by Tensorflow 2.x for the past two months. In the beginning, I chose to build a road lane detection program by using the Canny Edge method utilizing the contrast feature of images as the base of the detection method. T...

Pairing Lane Detection with Object Detection

Object detection plays an integral role in the field of autonomous vehicle safety. The attempt I have made in this project is to develop a pipeline that can not only detect lane lines but also detect cars. I do know the fact that state-of-the-art Deep Learning algorithms such as YOLO do exist but...

Road Lane Detection using OpenCV (Hough Lines Transform Explained)

In one of my previous articles, I mentioned we built a meal delivery robot for our capstone project integrating some simple OpenCV and OCR tricks to enable the robot to detect patients. Its navigation depended entirely on the infrared sensors guiding its path forward. This week, I tried to implement...

Advanced Lane Finding

The goal of the project was to find and highlight the road lane on the video recorded from the car. Once the lane was found there is additional requirement to calculate the curvature of the lane and position of the car relative to the lane. The project is a part of first term of Udacity’s Self...

How To Prevent Lane Change Crashes

Changing lanes dozens of times in any given day isn’t uncommon for a truck driver. Being able to do this safely and effectively isn’t easy and should always be done with extra caution because of the size of your truck and many other factors. It’s important to remember that chang...

GGPlot Multiple Label for Swimmer Lane

Background Story: One day, my manager asked me if I could have labels for Censor, Response, and Dose groups on one graph. The trick to generating multiple labels for one graph is to create individual labels first and paste them together in the final plot. Create the bar plot(geom_bar) and sav...