REVIEW: Good cafe in Melbourne with the world’s most Instagrammed cake: Black Star Pastry at Driver Lane, Melbourne

<p><strong>Strawberry Watermelon Cake</strong></p> <p>Picture this: layers of delicate cream infused with rose water nestled between almond dacquoise, a delectable nut meringue. But that&rsquo;s not all-this cake takes a unique twist by incorporating refreshing slices of watermelon, topped with succulent strawberries, grapes, and delicate rose petals. However, it&rsquo;s worth noting that while the watermelon&rsquo;s addition is a stroke of brilliance, the strawberries in some instances can be rather sour, adding a tangy contrast to the overall sweetness.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: driver Lane