Tag: Internet

How to build an Internet that doesn’t suck

In 1971, Ray Tomlinson, an engineer working on the ARPANET project — the predecessor to the Internet — sent the first email. The message was nothing profound; it was a series of random characters that looked more like the utterance of a toddler on a typewriter than a groundbreaking momen...

From Virtual to Reality, This Could Be End of the Internet as We Know It

For decades, the internet has been an integral part of our lives. It has revolutionized the way we communicate, access information, and do business. With the rapid advancements in technology, it seems now like the internet will only continue to grow and expand its reach. The internet’s grow...

The Happiest Place on the Internet

Five months ago, in the middle of a networking binge, I cold emailed Connie Liu. I was taking many calls at the time, but there was a distinctive difference in our 30 minutes spent together. Our connection was instant and the conversation left me glowing. Though, I imagine that many people leav...

The Internet Is Still Wide Open

Nearly 2 million years ago, we figured out how to turn a boring old lump of rock into a tool. Quite an astonishing feat of brain power. As a result, rather than tearing off meat with our hands we could slice up some very nice t-bone steaks. We somehow also knew cooked meat was not just tastier, but ...

Top 5 Internet of Things Devices for 2023

You might find yourself curious about IoT. The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the extensive network of physical objects, also known as ‘things’, that are interconnected through the Internet and share data with other devices and systems. While IoT has existed since the 1990s, its p...

Checking Internet Status in Basic4Android

Basic4Android lets you use WebView to load URLs in your application, but if your phone isn’t connected to the internet when the program runs, an error message will show up in the WebView itself, which doesn’t look nice… By using this piece of code, you can check if the user&rsq...

How to build an Internet that doesn’t suck

In 1971, Ray Tomlinson, an engineer working on the ARPANET project — the predecessor to the Internet — sent the first email. The message was nothing profound; it was a series of random characters that looked more like the utterance of a toddler on a typewriter than a groundbreaking momen...

The Internet Is Still Wide Open

Nearly 2 million years ago, we figured out how to turn a boring old lump of rock into a tool. Quite an astonishing feat of brain power. As a result, rather than tearing off meat with our hands we could slice up some very nice t-bone steaks. We somehow also knew cooked meat was not just tastier, but ...

Who runs the internet bots or humans ?

How many of you remember the Elon Musk and Twitter drama? In the end, he bought the company with one major question: Who runs Twitter, bots or humans? According to reports, Twitter has around 330 million monthly active users. In which 5% bots on its platform. This means that there are around 16.5...

I miss the internet.

I know this is going to make me sound old – but I miss the internet. The real internet. The one we used to have. Before it all got so much less – and somehow so much more – complicated. I went online for the first time around 2001. The 90s had ended, and the world was coming ...

I’m an Average Person Writing on the Internet. You Can Be Too

I’m so average it hurts. I don’t possess any great skills. I wasn’t top of the class. I didn’t go to the no.1 university in the country. I didn’t even do that well at university. I’m not special by any stretch of the imagination. There is nothing remarkable abo...

The Internet Is Still Wide Open

Nearly 2 million years ago, we figured out how to turn a boring old lump of rock into a tool. Quite an astonishing feat of brain power. As a result, rather than tearing off meat with our hands we could slice up some very nice t-bone steaks. We somehow also knew cooked meat was not just tastier, but ...

I Survived 1,231 Days of Writing on the Internet

I started writing over 3 years ago on this platform. I made $1.39 that first month. In 3 years I’ve written over 1000 articles. It’s been a wild ride. A painful, beautiful journey that I wouldn’t trade for anything. Here’s how it went and what I learned along the way. ...

Why I Didn’t Quit My Corporate Job to Write on the Internet

I decided to crunch the numbers on how much I’ve made so far this year. The numbers? I’ve made more in my part-time creator endeavours than in my day job. It’s funny. Two years ago, I told myself I’d quit my day job if I earned even a fraction of what I made. At 50% I&rsqu...

I’m Nothing Special And I’m Making Great Money on the Internet

For years I’d dream of being the people I’d see on the screen. From my little room in the middle of the UK countryside, I’d sit, tilted head, admiring these people I’d never met. Their success didn’t fuel me. Like a bedtime story, it sent me off into a deep snooze wh...

The Metaverse: The Future of the Internet?

Have you ever imagined a world where you can interact with others, play games, and work in a virtual environment? This is the metaverse, and it is quickly becoming the future of the internet. The metaverse is a shared virtual world that is created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical...

Use Cloudflare Tunnel to securely expose your home/lab network to the internet.

What is Cloudflare Tunnel Cloudflare Tunnel is a service provided by Cloudflare that allows users to securely connect to their internal resources, such as servers and databases, from anywhere in the world. It uses the Cloudflare network to create a secure and encrypted tunnel between the user&rsq...

Unconventional Forms Of Organic By The Internet Office

The digital creators known as The Internet Office produce 3D models of abstract and amorph sculptures that drag the viewer in with curiosity. The artworks of the artist duo resemble a mix of man-made and biological with the obscurity of the unnatural. The Internet Office is interested in explorin...

The London Internet Exchange (LINX) Nairobi Goes Live — The New Interconnection Hub for Kenya.

The London Internet Exchange (LINX) has announced that their interconnection hub in Nairobi, Kenya is now live and ready for business. LINX Nairobi is the latest Internet Exchange Point (IXP) for East Africa, located out of IXAfrica’s, Africa Data Centres’ NBO1 and iColo’s NBO...

Things I learned after quitting the internet

Some time ago I got rid of the Internet at home. It was a difficult but necessary decision to make, because I realized that I had become too reliant on constant online connection and started missing out on the real life. Quitting the Internet was also an important step to my never-ending journey ...

Physical Internet: The Future of Logistics?

In my case, being born in the year 2000, the internet seems like a given to me. Something that has always existed, almost like magic. In 2006, I got my first computer, and from that moment on, I knew that with a simple command in the browser, I could access millions of web pages. However, it wasn&rs...

Actually, It’s Not “OK to be White”

The last few days have seen the internet buzzing with talk about Scott Adams, the creator of the Dilbert comic strip, and the rant that has, as of now, seriously damaged his career. His screed, which even in the best light was racially intemperate and ignorant, and in a more honest light, was fla...

Internet Brain is a Real Thing

In my latest book, The Practice of Groundedness, I traced this general sense of dis-ease to a concept I called heroic individualism: an ongoing game of oneupmanship against yourself and others where the goalpost is always ten-yards down the field. Heroic individualism is a vicious spiral of go,...

Your Speech, Their Rules: Meet the People Who Guard the Internet

When Facebook started 15 years ago, it didn’t set out to adjudicate the speech rights of 2.2 billion people. Twitter never asked to decide which of the 500 million tweets posted each day are jokes and which are hate speech. YouTube’s early mission wasn’t to determine if a video sho...

The (open) web is good, actually

The great irony of the platformization of the internet is that platforms are intermediaries, and the original promise of the internet that got so many of us excited about it was disintermediation — getting rid of the middlemen that act as gatekeepers between community members, creato...

Make Bell Labs an Internet Museum

Bell Labs, the historic headwaters of so many inventions that now define our digital age, is closing in Murray Hill, its latest owners moving to more modern headquarters in New Brunswick. The Labs should be preserved as a historic site and more. I propose that Bell Labs be opened to the pu...

How I used the internet to painlessly relearn a foreign language & you could too

Because of travel when I was young, I used to be able to speak Spanish pretty well. But from 2003 through 2019 I forgot a great deal of what I once knew. I was fine with that because I figured the only way to get good again would be to go live in a Spanish-speaking country, something I couldn&rsq...