I’m an Average Person Writing on the Internet. You Can Be Too

<p>I&rsquo;m so average it hurts.</p> <p>I don&rsquo;t possess any great skills. I wasn&rsquo;t top of the class. I didn&rsquo;t go to the no.1 university in the country. I didn&rsquo;t even do that well at university. I&rsquo;m not special by any stretch of the imagination. There is nothing remarkable about me.</p> <p>But over the last 3 years, somehow (it still amazes me too), I&rsquo;ve managed to hit four sometimes even five figures a month on the internet.</p> <p>I&rsquo;ve kept my day job. I&rsquo;ve kept my evenings. I prioritise family time. And I don&rsquo;t do work I don&rsquo;t love.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s not been a quick route to success but then again, I&rsquo;m not sure I&rsquo;d have liked that much. But I&rsquo;ll tell you one thing I&rsquo;ve learned along the way that has really allowed me to level up in life.</p> <h1>The perception of greatness</h1> <p>You know for a long time, the longest of times, I&rsquo;ve always put entrepreneurs, writers and business folks on a pedestal. Like they were miles better than me.</p> <p>They must be smarter, more talented, just on all levels a better human than me to hit the heights they have. There must be something, a secret, something that they have that I don&rsquo;t.</p> <p>For years, every time I read about or heard about an entrepreneur with a million-dollar valuation, a rags-to-riches story, or a business that took over the market, I&rsquo;d sit and think,&nbsp;<em>wow, they must be so talented.</em></p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/practice-in-public/im-an-average-person-writing-on-the-internet-you-can-be-too-af4f1daa30a1">Visit Now</a></p>