Why I Didn’t Quit My Corporate Job to Write on the Internet

<p>I decided to crunch the numbers on how much I&rsquo;ve made so far this year. The numbers? I&rsquo;ve made more in my part-time creator endeavours than in my day job.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s funny. Two years ago, I told myself I&rsquo;d quit my day job if I earned even a fraction of what I made. At 50% I&rsquo;d jump. At 60% I&rsquo;d definitely be all in.</p> <p>Now, at 120% I&rsquo;m not sure I&rsquo;m going anywhere and I want to tell you why.</p> <h1>I hated my day job until I didn&rsquo;t</h1> <p>When I was making zero on the internet I hated my day job.</p> <p>I felt stuck. I worked in a city. I would stare out the window looking at all the people below, exploring, laughing, and joking. I was jealous. I&rsquo;d walk past food trucks on my lunchtime stroll.</p> <p>I&rsquo;d find myself drifting into their life. I&rsquo;d stare, dreaming about their life compared to mine. They&rsquo;d get up, work on something they loved, be passionate about the product they served, they&rsquo;d hand over sandwiches with a smile.</p> <p>I didn&rsquo;t have that. I had stale ambition. I hated my job. I wanted out. But I had no way.</p> <p>I had looking out the window wishing I was somewhere else. But I just didn&rsquo;t know what to do about it. I started poking around the internet.</p> <h1>Common advice fails us</h1> <p>For a long time, I kept hearing the same stories.</p> <p><em>&ldquo;Quit your day job&rdquo; &ldquo;Start your own business&rdquo; &ldquo;Build your freedom&rdquo;</em></p> <p>Over and over and over. I kept seeing this time and time again and I sat, from my small office in the middle of the English countryside thinking:</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/swlh/why-i-didnt-quit-my-corporate-job-to-write-on-the-internet-8fce2baf92e2"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Write Internet