I’m Nothing Special And I’m Making Great Money on the Internet

<p>For years I&rsquo;d dream of being the people I&rsquo;d see on the screen.</p> <p>From my little room in the middle of the UK countryside, I&rsquo;d sit, tilted head, admiring these people I&rsquo;d never met. Their success didn&rsquo;t fuel me. Like a bedtime story, it sent me off into a deep snooze where I dreamed of a life I could live.</p> <p>The space between them and I felt enormous. There was no way I could do anything close to what these people did. They were the quiet elite that I could never touch.</p> <p>I constantly put space between them and me.</p> <h1>What it really takes</h1> <p>People spend a lifetime trying to find their way around the system. The shortcut, the easiest way, the path of least resistance. Hacks, morning routines, cheatsheet.</p> <p>All a silent signal of the desire for ease. The obsession for the end result. The destination. Six years ago, I was there. I spent years in that place. Ironically by searching, I was taking the longest route possible.</p> <p><strong>The quickest route to where you want to be: through.</strong></p> <p>What you need to commit to is the depths of your craft. You have to jump two feet in, get your head wet and learn to swim. Passive will never work. Reading lacks context. Watching lacks realism.</p> <p>If you really want to do all the things that your mind dreams of, you&rsquo;re only option is to dive right in.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/practice-in-public/im-nothing-special-and-i-m-making-great-money-on-the-internet-884128565a3e"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Money Internet