Tag: Identity

How Brands Bridge The Identity Gap

Brands exist in the space between how people perceive themselves and how they behave. Our self-perceptions are the building blocks of our reality, and when the way we act doesn’t measure up to who we believe we are, it feels very uncomfortable. Oftentimes it’s the kind of pain that we...

Personal Identity Audit — Day 2

There’s a wide variety of conditions that can create the best version of someone. Some people are motivated by aggressive and harsh language, whereas others are better motivated by praise and positivity. Different methods are going to result in different responses for different people. It make...

Why Big Bad Racists Feel The Need to Hide Their Identity

Ifwhite supremacists are confident that their worldview is justifiable, why do so many mask their identity? While it’s true that some White people are loud and proud about their disdain for Black people, many refrain from expressing racist beliefs publically, in fear such rhetoric would tarnis...

The Laptop Identity Parade

If “clothes make the man”, as the saying goes, then laptops most definitely make the modern manager. Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels It’s usually pretty easy to spot who’s who within a modern dysfunctional software development organisation. Oft...

The Lost Art of the Secret Identity

Traditionally, heroes kept their civilian identities under wraps, both to allow them to have a normal life apart from their heroic role and to protect their loved ones from enemies. And given the questionable legality of some heroes’ activities, that secret also helped insulate them from unple...

The Lost Art of the Secret Identity

Traditionally, heroes kept their civilian identities under wraps, both to allow them to have a normal life apart from their heroic role and to protect their loved ones from enemies. And given the questionable legality of some heroes’ activities, that secret also helped insulate them from unple...

Portrait Painting: A Celebration of Diversity and Cultural Identity

Portrait painting, as an art form, has long been a powerful means of capturing the essence of an individual or a group. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, it serves as a reflection of cultural heritage, identity, and diversity. In this blog, we embark on a journey to explore how portrait painting&nbs...

Digital Identity and Privacy in Metaverse

Ensuring user privacy and managing digital identities in the metaverse is crucial to build trust and protect individuals’ rights. Here are key strategies: Decentralized Identity Systems: Implement decentralized identity solutions based on blockchain technology. This gives users control o...

Automated user migration and management of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources

In this project based on a real-world scenario, I acted as Cloud Specialist with the mission to migrate users in an automated way and manage AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management) resources. There were 100 users that needed to be migrated and have MFA (Multi-factor authentication) enabled on th...

Mistaken Identity — Story Every Thursday

Spotlights shine on flowing carved robes, a plumed helmet, a sharp spear, and somber features. A statue of Athena stands on top of a tall, narrow column. The groves of the park muffle the idling engines and occasional honking from street traffic. It’s a cold night. The park has overgr...

Bangkok Identity Meetup

Digital identity should not be directly linked to your digital assets, bank statements, NFTs held, etc. There should be an intermediate layer that protects user privacy while providing information necessary for apps to function properly. DID is an umbrella term that encapsulates projects and service...

Ick vs. Ich: Unpacking Berlin’s Linguistic Identity

In the heart of Berlin, you’ll hear a distinct dialectal word that sets it apart from the rest of Germany. “Ick,” a term that replaces the more common “Ich” in high German, is a staple of Berliner Schnauze — the city’s rough-and-tumble dialect. But where did...

Food and Identity: The $3 European Poptart

Today in class, we had our last class. It was full of our presentations on Danish food phenomenons (mine being on the non-existence of GMOs in Danish food). One of my classmates presented on Danish pastries. Halfway through the presentation, we were given the chance to have a fifteen minute break. A...

A Critical Analysis of Celine’s Shifting Brand Identity

Phoebe Philo and Hedi Slimanes’ varying creative outlooks for Celine caused a rift for the Celine consumer who were accustomed to Philo’s sophisticated enclothed cognition. Since Philo’s planned departure after her Spring / Summer 2018 presentation and the commencement of...

Re-examining My Asian American Identity in Taiwan

One of the things that I am most grateful for in Taiwan is meeting such a warm and welcoming community of people — in particular my work friends at my host institution, Taipei Medical University. From the very first day that I met them, they made it their personal mission to make sure that ...

#COVIDCatLady, Day 515—Mobility and Identity

515. This is how many days it’s been since I’ve been home. What used to be a 5-hour door-to-door commute is now a complicated calculation of vaccine, caseload, remote work, and quarantine. I had resigned to “resilience” at the beginning, and that held for about a full year. T...

Why I’m Giving Up My Christian Identity

I’ve been a Christian for almost 40 years. People know me as a Christian. Most of my friends are Christian. For a long time, being Christian has been my very identity. And that is a problem. I’m known by many people for being good at theology. I’m good at explaining theologic...

My Jewish Identity Isn’t Based on Being Hated

I went to a Channukah lighting ceremony and one of the key Rabbinical authorities in this country kept inserting every 3–5 minutes in his speeches how much we were hated and it came across as a form of fear-mongering to me. The Ultra-Orthodox communities who do bad things to their children ...

The Identity Trick, plus Ten Jewish Heroes

Identitarians on the right and left love the identity trick: the easiest and most despicable way to deflect criticism is to claim it comes from hate for who you are instead of what you do. The trick works more than it should because sometimes it’s true to a degree, though never to the degree t...

Identity and Ideology

As we in America prepare to give thanks for our comforts, safety, security, and freedoms, I want to take a moment to reflect on the ongoing tragedy unfolding in Israel and Palestine. Since Hamas invaded Israel on October 7th, there has been a great deal of confusion and finger pointing over who i...

Slavic Identity and the Discourse on Race

As you probably heard this a few times in your lifetime, race, as we know it, is inevitably a social phenomenon that occurred as colonial propaganda for white people to exploit non-white people’s labour. Today, there seems to be a slow positive shift towards understanding the systemic racial i...

My Daughter’s Transgender Identity Didn’t Make Sense

Spoiler alert for big plot reveal in the next paragraph, for a movie over 20 years old (and a worldwide sensation following its release). You have been warned. My duty is fulfilled. I saw the movie “The Sixth Sense” in the theater. After the reveal at the end that Bruce Willis’ ...

Your Firsts Were My Firsts

Immediately I was plunged into the deep end as my child began discussing their gender identity in detail and at length. I was still reeling, trying to find my footing, the first time my son ever uttered the word ‘hormones.’ I am what I guess many would call a “crunchy mom.&rdquo...

Marching in the Crossroads of My Black, Disabled, Queer Identity

They hear the voice of my gender As we yell for equal pay But “She must be on her period,” Is all you’ll hear them say. They see me march alongside brothers, Sisters with deep caramel skin, They say we’re “Thugs, criminals, and gangstas,” And a jail cell&...

My Daughter’s Transgender Identity Didn’t Make Sense

Spoiler alert for big plot reveal in the next paragraph, for a movie over 20 years old (and a worldwide sensation following its release). You have been warned. My duty is fulfilled. I saw the movie “The Sixth Sense” in the theater. After the reveal at the end that Bruce Willis’ ...

I did not always know I was a boy: On not fitting neatly into normative narratives of trans identity.

So often, we think of, hear of, read about trans people who “just knew” about their gender since they were three years old, or five, or eight. They coveted their sister’s toys, or they screamed any time their parents tried to put them in frilly dresses. But for myself, I didn&rs...

Navigating the Identity Maze: Now That Chiron In Aries Has Gone Direct. The Struggle for Self & How Each Rising Sign Can Lean Into Thier Sense Of Self.

Chiron in Aries can be an interesting astrological placement. Chiron is often associated with wounds and the healing process, and when it’s positioned in Aries, the astrological characteristics of both Chiron and Aries come into play. Aries is a fire sign known for its assertiveness, indepe...

Synthetic Identity and the Quest for Redemption: The Saga of John Doe and Michael Anthony Griffin Raleigh NC

In a narrative that resonates deeply within the legal corridors of Raleigh, NC, the case of John Doe, a mastermind in synthetic identity fraud, and his defense attorney Michael Anthony Griffin Raleigh NC, unfolds as a compelling tale of crime, redemption, and the multifaceted nature of justice. As a...

Leftist Critiques of Identity Politics

This essay is intended to be a thorough response to leftists who express opposition to “identity politics.” I will be using the term “leftist” here in a broad manner to refer to people whose political views generally fall to the left of mainstream Democrats in the U.S. (or an...

How I Fully Realized My Black Identity in 2020

My first memory of feeling “other” in a group of black people was at Kim Hill’s 11th birthday party. It was ’99 into the 2000s, and we were poppin’ our butts to “Back That Thang Up” by Juvenile. Well, I thought I was until I was unceremoniously called out...

Bananas! And what it had to do with my racial identity

My friends used to humorously call me a banana. “Yellow” on the outside and “White” on the inside — and I would laugh. Now I realize that response was my way of coping with the discomfort and dissonance I’ve long struggled with as a “third-culture kid.&rdquo...

“Yes, my mother is Japanese. But…”: Notes on a hyphenated and colon-ized identity

Myneighbor was having a stoop sale this morning, and although I have been living next to this woman, her son and husband for the past two years, today was the first day that I reached out and talked with her. She is Japanese, from Japan. Her husband is from Japan. Her son was likely born in the Unit...

Holochain and generative identity

In the realm of identity, the Holochain team appreciates the fallacy of individualism, or more precisely the fallacy of considering individualism a dualism (separate, either/or) with collectivism. Individualism and collectivism are a duality (interdependent), and indeed a duality that benefits from ...

Contemplation and the Construction of Identity

I learnt to gaze at the skies when I was very young, thanks to my mother. On warm summer evenings I would sit on her lap and together we would contemplate the night sky. The view was of an open field on which stands the chapel of Holly Mary of Porto Salvo. Story tells that after a shipwreck, a...

Davai an Online Pharmaceutical — Brand Identity

Davai is a platform rooted in India, primarily dedicated to fulfilling B2B pharmaceutical requirements with an evolving vision of expanding reach to meet the needs of individual consumers in the B2C pharmaceutical marketplace. The entire identity is built using the core elements found in the...

Product Identity In Every Sip and Bite

According to a recent empirical study, local community products contribute to the growth of agricultural trade and enhance product prices. Nowadays, the Thai GI system has generated market values of more than 51,000 million THB (≈1,423 million USD) per year. Not only does a GI impact positi...

The Igbo in Me: My Cultural Identity.

The Igbos happen to be the third biggest ethnic group in Nigeria. Being a major culture, we boast of diverse sub-tribal groups yet identifying as one. Situated in the Eastern part of Nigeria are the 5 major Igbo states; Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu and Imo. You may find Igbo speaking communities in ...

V&A as Wonderland: How Wonder, Curiosity, and Free Play Define the V&A Brand Identity

Toborrow a term from the current zeitgeist, the V&A Museum is my ‘Roman Empire’. A word of appreciation here for the literal ancient Roman Empire’s artefacts housed in the museum including, my favourite, a double coiled gold ring with two cobra heads. Originally crafted as...

Ascribed vs Achieved Identity

One of them involves a move away from ascribed toward achieved sources of identity. The idea is rather simple: in traditional societies, people were defined largely by the circumstances that they were born into, or their ascribed characteristics — who your family was, what “station&rdquo...

The Role of Fashion in Self-Expression and Identity

In a world where first impressions are often formed within seconds, the way we present ourselves through clothing has become a powerful means of self-expression. Fashion serves not only as a reflection of personal style but also as a tool for shaping and communicating our identities to the world. Fr...