Tag: Gun

My Favorite Video Game Light Gun Peripherals

These days, light gun games are few and far between. But at a time, there was something about playing a home conversion of a popular arcade game, using a light gun as originally intended instead of trying to fumble around with a controller and an on-screen cursor. Ask anyone that played the home ver...

Hong Kong — Tung Chung Gun Battery 東涌小炮台 and Fu Tei Wan Lime Kiln, Tung Chung, Hong Kong

When you wander around the modern centre of Hong Kong, you forget that Hong Kong has a history, and it was interesting to come across the Tung Chung Gun Battery 東涌小炮台 and the Fu Tei Wan Lime Kiln near Tung Chung. There is not much to see of the battery or the kiln, but when there is not...

Checkoff’s Gun

Before I tell you more about this mysterious command center, I have to explain what a checkoff program is. A checkoff program “promotes and provides” research and information for an agricultural commodity, collecting funds to do so from the producers of that same commodity. &ld...

Where Americans Agree on Gun Control

IT’S NO SECRET that Americans are divided on the personal ownership of firearms. The divide has only become sharper since the United States Supreme Court has made several decisions over the last 15 years favorable to ownership under the context of the Second Amendment of the Constitution. And ...

Gun Violence Results From Mob Rule, Not Thug Life

Why the Lewiston, Maine mass shooter escaped the state’s “yellow flag” laws, meant to keep weapons of death and destruction out of hands like his, is a question in search of answers. Eighteen people were murdered and thirteen more injured: the price for ignoring threats m...

Gun Control: Striking the Balance Between Rights and Safety

The interpretation of the Second Amendment lies at the heart of the gun control debate. Advocates for expansive gun rights argue that any restrictions infringe upon an individual’s constitutional rights. On the other hand, proponents of stricter gun control maintain that reasonable regulations...

Gun Violence Results From Mob Rule, Not Thug Life

Why the Lewiston, Maine mass shooter escaped the state’s “yellow flag” laws, meant to keep weapons of death and destruction out of hands like his, is a question in search of answers. Eighteen people were murdered and thirteen more injured: the price for ignoring threats m...

Why We Need Gun Laws Like Switzerland’s and Why it Won’t Happen

In both Switzerland and the United States, gun ownership is widespread and deeply entrenched in the culture. The National Rifle Association has pointed to Switzerland as an example of gun ownership without gun violence. But there are major differences. Switzerland, despite a long tradition of gun...

On Gun Control: 7 pro-gun arguments and why they fail

I teach at a community college in Florida. After the Parkland shooting, I began locking my classroom door and propping it open with an erasure during class. That way, if there was a shooting, I wouldn’t have to risk getting shot trying to lock the door from the outside. It amazes me I have ...

Gun Control Policy

The National Fire Arms Act was passed in 1934 after a period of mass shootings, chiefly associated with gangsters. These happened during the 1920s and saw interesting takes from citizens. While people feared these shootouts between lawmen and gangsters, people like Bonnie and Clyde were seen as famo...

The Mentality of the Gun in America

With every Nashville, Uvalde, or Parkland, I think of the families of the 20 six-and-seven-year-old children and 6 staff killed in Sandy Hook. The 19 children killed in Uvalde were aged nine to eleven. I know what it’s like to unexpectedly lose someone you cherish. My wife Briggs died of medic...

Here’s why the US doesn’t enforce gun control, you’ll be surprised why not…

Opponents of gun control contend that law-abiding citizens should have the right to take personal responsibility for their safety and the protection of their loved ones. They argue that self-defense is a fundamental human right, and that firearms are essential tools for this purpose. Restr...

Stop Gun Confiscation Before It’s Too Late!

A humorous view of one of the top grifters in the country is the goal today. In the mail, I received an unsolicited letter from the NRA of America. That was their mistake, but I thank them in advance for this material. The first paragraph opens by telling me I will soon face a “real th...

In Praise of the AK-47

A: Fuck no. Fuck him. Fuck the AK-47. Fuck all guns and the people who design them, but especially fuck Mikhail Kalashnikov, the designer of the AK-47. But let’s look at the argument being made. The AK-47 is often cited as a well-designed object. And this case is usually made by pointi...

Gun madness itself is America’s only unusual mental health issue

The gun madness that Americans seem prepared to accept in perpetuity is unique among developed nations and reflects an incredible paralysis in a country that for decades was a beacon of innovation and democracy for the world. And what’s amazing is that this most political of issues carries no ...

This Could Stop Gun Violence (And It Isn’t A New Law)

Remember back in the 90’s when people tried to blame video games for all of the violence? Prior to that humans had been peaceful and video games came out to muck it all up. Indeed. Hello. Let me give you a little background on myself. At Basic Training they handed me an M-16. I hit every ta...

Here Comes the Latest Gun-Control Bill.

My friends in Gun-nut Nation are all in a tizzy because Liz Warren has re-introduced a gun-control bill that she first stuck in the legislative hopper in 2020, and now has decided to try and get it passed again. The bill is being described by the pro-gun gang as being a ‘sledgehammer’ ag...

Gun Deaths in America and Church Attendance — Do Gun Deaths Have a Moral Cause?

I know homicides and gun deaths are not the same thing. I also know that gun deaths include both homicides and suicides. All gun deaths are tragic. Life is beautiful. Life is valuable whether that life lives in a red state or a blue state. My initial hypothesis is that high church attendance will...

UK Gun Control in the 19th Century

During the 1800s, guns were commonly used for hunting and sport. Wealthy landowners and members of the aristocracy owned guns for hunting game on their estates, while middle-class individuals enjoyed shooting as a leisure activity. Guns were also used for self-defence, particularly in rural areas wh...

I’d Kill Someone to Save My Life

“I’d kill someone to save my life,” a gun-loving friend tells me for the dozenth time, and I grit my teeth and nod noncommittally. I want peace between us. It would be futile to get pulled into an argument in any case; I’m not going to change her mind; she’s not going t...

A New Gun Bill Which Makes Sense.

If the bill introduced yesterday in the Senate by Angus King (I-ME) and Martin Heinrich (D-NM) becomes law, it will mark the first time that the government’s focus on controlling the ownership and use of guns will be where it should always have been, namely, on the lethality of the w...

If You’re Pro-Gun, You’re Not Pro-Life

Across the nation, Republicans have helped institute total abortion bans in states, all in the name of the sacrality of human life. As Republican Congressman Jim Jordan stated against abortion, “You don’t have freedom, true liberty, unless the government protects your fundament...

Confessions of a Progressive Gun Nut

Over the course of my years-long engagement with smart people on all sides of America’s gun debate — from coffee shops in San Francisco to private suites off the floor of the gun industry’s annual Las Vegas trade show — I’ve come to believe that there are really only tw...


Imagine a person seeing loved ones — former heavy smokers — painfully die from lung cancer and emphysema, and BECAUSE OF THAT going out to buy a carton of cigarettes… or a deadly car wreck convincing you to go straight to the auto dealer… In other words, the most negativ...

Averting Gun-Proliferation Dystopia: a Novel Concept that Sidesteps Firearm Debates

Firearm proliferation and violence have been unique features of America for over 150 years. Horrific numbers of lives have been terminated, survivors faced with lifelong disabilities, family and friends inheriting enduring psychological trauma, and collateral damages no one ever anticipated. Also un...

Why the Key to Curbing Gun Violence and Ending Mass Shootings Lies in Our Driving Laws

When I was 16, I got my driver’s permit. At 16 and 4 months I walked into my first Driver’s Ed class at Conard High School. My teacher told our class that the reason we were there is because driving a car is like “carrying a loaded weapon.” I then had to watch a video about s...

Exploring the Debate on Gun Control

Gun control refers to the government regulation of firearms, aiming to reduce gun-related violence and ensure public safety. The specific measures implemented vary across countries and jurisdictions, but they typically involve restrictions on gun ownership, purchase, and possession. The purpose of g...

Remember these Vintage Gun Ads?

It’s a blast from the past, who doesn’t enjoy looking at vintage gun ads? It’s funny to see how they marketed firearms back in the early to mid 20th century, not to mention the prices! Here are 20 beautiful vintage gun ads from a bygone era. While some of these ads are from long...

What the Historic New Gun Safety Law Does

It’s been a heavy couple of weeks in the news — the Uvalde mass shooting and the fallout from the atrocious response to it, rising COVID cases, monkeypox continuing to spread, several dozen immigrants dying in an overheated truck in San Antonio, and a string of Supreme Court cases that h...

Losing a Loved One to Gun Suicide: My Long-term Relationship with September 11th

The anniversary of 9/11 is a day I spend in part remembering with the rest of the country where I was and how I reacted when I heard the news, and how for the 10 years before, that day already meant something else horrible to me. On the anniversaries of traumatic experiences, some survivors exper...

Where is the Outrage? A Call to End America’s Gun Epidemic

A little over a month has passed since the October 1st Las Vegas massacre, and already, media outlets have buried updates about the shooting on their websites and newspapers. Take a tour of the major sources (NYT, WSJ, CNN, Fox, MSNBC). You will be hard-pressed to find any news, and most importantly...

You’re Not From Texas: US Gun Culture, Part Five

It’s important to note that not everyone with mental health issues poses a threat to themselves or society. In the wake of the Uvalde school shooting in May 2022, Texas Governor Greg Abbott said, “Anybody who shoots somebody else has a mental health challenge.” Mental health expert...

Addressing the Pro-Gun Bullshit

If you’ve ever been inside an elementary school building, you will realize right away that at any given moment there are dozens of kids outside at recess. After Newtown in 2014, many schools implemented locked door policies. The school where I taught was one of them. As I walked my fifth-grade...

SCOTUS Will Allow Enforcement of ‘Ghost Gun’ Regulation

Here are the key facts of this story, as agreed upon by ¹Associated Press, ²CNN, ³Reuters, ⁴NPR Online News, ⁵SCOTUSblog and ⁶The Hill. The US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) on Monday vacated a lower court ruling against a Biden administration regul...

Chants from protests for gun control in front of the NRA convention and elsewhere, May 2022 onwards

On May 27, 2022, a large protest for gun control, estimated to be about 4,000 people, was held in Houston, in a park opposite the center where the NRA was holding its convention. The protest was held in the wake of the tragedy at Uvalde, just three days prior and only 300 miles away, in which 19 chi...

Democrats Should Call Republicans’ Bluff on Gun Registry

The House of Representatives conducted its first hearing on gun violence in eight years on Wednesday, addressing the overwhelmingly popular policy of universal background checks. Predictably, not a single Republican on the House Judiciary Committee spoke in favor of H.R. 8, which would req...

My Reaction to the Death of Pro-Gun Blogger Bob Owens

“Ladd, you deceive for a living, so it’s hard to take you seriously, or view you as an adult. Petulant teen delinquent, maybe.” — Bob Owens, 12/4/12 Yesterday morning, the founder and editor of the pro-gun news website “Bearing Arms,” blogger Bob Owens, s...