Checkoff’s Gun

<p>Before I tell you more about this mysterious command center, I have to explain what a&nbsp;<strong>checkoff program&nbsp;</strong>is. A checkoff program &ldquo;promotes and provides&rdquo; research and information for an agricultural commodity, collecting funds to do so from the producers of that same commodity. &ldquo;Promotes and Provides&rdquo; covers a whole laundry list of goals, including expanding the market for that commodity, increasing the demand for it, and developing new uses or markets for it. The beef checkoff program was established as a part of the 1985 Farm Bill and paying dues or &ldquo;checkoff dollars&rdquo; to the program is mandatory for all beef producers in the country, no matter their size. Though many state and lower federal courts have ruled mandatory checkoffs unconstitutional, the Supreme Court ruled in the mandatory beef checkoff&rsquo;s favor in 2005. This decision was challenged in 2020 and 2021, but in July of 2021 was again enforced.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>