Stop Gun Confiscation Before It’s Too Late!

<p>A humorous view of one of the top grifters in the country is the goal today. In the mail, I received an unsolicited letter from the NRA of America. That was their mistake, but I thank them in advance for this material.</p> <p>The first paragraph opens by telling me I will soon face a&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;real threat, having my guns confiscated and losing my right to self-defense, facing actual (as opposed to fake?) jail time if I don&rsquo;t comply.&rdquo;</em></p> <p>&ldquo;Oh dear!&rdquo; I thought. &ldquo;Bless his heart for warning me!&rdquo; If you are reading this and not from the South here in the US, you will not know that &ldquo;Bless your heart&rdquo; is a&nbsp;<em>very nice, southern way</em>&nbsp;of calling someone a complete idiot.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>