Averting Gun-Proliferation Dystopia: a Novel Concept that Sidesteps Firearm Debates

<p>Firearm proliferation and violence have been unique features of America for over 150 years. Horrific numbers of lives have been terminated, survivors faced with lifelong disabilities, family and friends inheriting enduring psychological trauma, and collateral damages no one ever anticipated. Also unique has been America&rsquo;s disability in dealing with the dark side of firearms &mdash; unable or unwilling to understand the history or causes of firearm violence, or to implement meaningful measures to stop this cancer of national misery. Firearm violence has metastasized into the political process of democracy and caused lasting chasms in the social fabric. New thinking is urgently needed for control of firearm permeation through society and the many avenues that lead to violence.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@christian.daughton/averting-gun-proliferation-dystopia-a-novel-concept-that-sidesteps-firearm-debates-2b4e6c4cb132"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Averting Gun