Confessions of a Progressive Gun Nut

<p>Over the course of my years-long engagement with smart people on all sides of America&rsquo;s gun debate &mdash; from coffee shops in San Francisco to private suites off the floor of the gun industry&rsquo;s annual Las Vegas trade show &mdash; I&rsquo;ve come to believe that there are really only two broader ideological camps that people fall into when it comes to the right to keep and bear arms.</p> <p>No, the two camps aren&rsquo;t &ldquo;blame the shooter&rdquo; vs. &ldquo;blame the gun&rdquo; &mdash; that whole discourse is a sad sideshow, and I think both sides are probably tired of swatting each other with the same limp bromides (&ldquo;the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun&rdquo; vs. &ldquo;here&rsquo;s what every entry in this catalog of otherwise unrelated horrors has in common: guns!&rdquo;).</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>