Tag: Great

The 7 Signs of a Great Programmer

I recently wrote an article about the 7 signs of a bad programmer. I then found a challenge in the comments — could I write an article about the 7 signs of a good programmer? Challenge accepted Willingness to learn It sounds obvious. Relatively few programmers went to univers...

The Slogan Should Be Make America Great

The first time I heard Donald Trump talking about making America great again, I laughed. Who is THIS morally bankrupt piece of filth to tell America how we should and shouldn’t behave? Emphasis on the shouldn’t part. Donald Trump was a draft dodger. He also discriminated against ...

The Great Acceptance

When I asked to first marry my wife, my father-in-law didn’t object and instead taught me the Serenity Prayer. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference ~ Winnifred Crane Wygal/Reinho...

7 things you can do right now to feel great for the rest of your day

Ever feel like you’re getting in your own way? Perhaps a handful of ideas can help you shift out of this unhelpful mindset, so you get back on track quickly. Here are some: 1. Forgive your past self. There will always be a weight on our shoulders if we can’t let go of somethi...

Talk about the great golden age

In the midst of life's golden age, when retirement dreams beckon and leisurely pursuits await, a cancer diagnosis can feel like a dark cloud that shatters the idyllic vision. The word "cancer" carries with it fear, uncertainty, and sorrow. However, the human spirit is resilient, a...

5 Categories of Work Every Great Entrepreneur Makes Time For

Let’s be real y’all — being an entrepreneur isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be. As Thomas Frank pointed out in one of his videos, 5 Things I’d Tell My 19-Year-Old Self About Running a Business, every entrepreneur has to wear several hats. ...

The One Thing All Great Teachers Do

It’s not as complicated as you might think Photo by Desola Lanre-Ologun on Unsplash We’ve all had those sorts of days: the lesson plan goes to shit, the period gets hijacked by a student’s remark, or the technology just won’t work like it’s supp...

Good moods, great work

“You could foster happiness and add to our joy — or sow hurt and discord. It’s a choice that you make each day, each hour, and with each thought” (Cathy Marie Hake) When employees feel that they can contribute meaningfully, when they feel valued and thus feel good abo...

So, you left your job during the Great Resignation. What’s next?

More Americans have left their jobs during the pandemic than at any point in the last two decades. 4.3 million people quit in December 2021 alone, and up to 65 percent of Gen Z plans to join what has become known as the Great Resignation. We’ve left for all sorts of reasons. There...

Don’t Settle for Good Jobs… Work for Great Leaders

“A good coach can change a game. A great coach can change a life.” — John R. Wooden In this short article, I’ll fuse a couple of key professional objectives — that career growth and leadership growth go hand-in-hand. To be successful, you...

Tips for a Great Performance Review: Part 2 — Giving Feedback Throughout the Year

The performance review is your key opportunity to let your directs know how they performed against your expectations, and those of the company. Before you can do an effective performance review, however, you need to ensure you have given adequate, documented feedback to justify your points. T...

The Importance of Being a Great Follower

We constantly hear about leadership in the workplace and in academia, but we rarely hear about “followership.” This overemphasis on studying leadership comes at a cost: we don’t remember to appreciate the art of being a follower. Worse, we often think of followers as those who just...

Still Want to Achieve Big Things This Year? Great Leadership Begins with Self.

As we head into the final quarter of the calendar year it is a great opportunity to reflect. Enough time has passed this year so you can assess progress, and there is still enough time left to make a difference with the things that are important to you. Following a few sage questions from my coac...

What do great tech teams look like?

Over the last several years leading and building teams, I noticed a pattern that distinguishes great engineering teams from average ones. There is a lot of information on how to make great teams. However, it’s tough to build processes and frameworks without knowing what great actually looks li...

The Great Art Debate: Human Ingenuity vs. AI Assistance

Two distinct approaches to art When we envision traditional artists, our minds often conjure up a specific stereotype: a profoundly creative man or woman who fervently splatters paint onto canvas, engendering original and unparalleled imagery born solely from their imagination. Occasionally, we m...

How to Make Your Indie Game Stand Out with a Great Title

Your game’s title is one of the first things potential players will see, and a great title can go a long way in making your game stand out from the rest. A great title should be unique, memorable, and reflective of the game’s content. Calling your game a sim, for example, when it is real...

Mac & 5 great ways to arrange your day with it for FREE

What if I told you there are 5 hidden gems on every Mac that will mean you’ll never miss anything ever again — and they are all free…has that got your interest? The Mac is at the centre of my day, every day and has been for as long as I can remember, and I can’t see that ...

Chasing Your Dream to Become a Great Footballer

Becoming a great football player is every young athlete’s dream. However, reaching that position is not easy. It requires a lot of sweat and tears in every struggle. So, what’s the story of young football athletes in the country who strive to be the best? Here’s the journey of s...

Great Runs in Mexico City

Mexico City is the capital of Mexico. As an “alpha” global city, Mexico City is one of the most important financial centers in the Americas. Colonia Centro is the business, banking, and historic center of Mexico City. Within Colonia Centro, is Centro Histórico. Here you’ll f...

Why Miami is a great place to build

Why build in Miami? Are you curious why people are gravitating to South Florida? Led by our super-talented summer intern  Anastasia Sirytsyna , our team outlined the basics for you below on why we think this region continues to prove a worthy host for innovation and ingenuity. Flori...

Five Easy Steps to Great Running

Many of us are gripped by a burst of enthusiasm at this time of year. We take on new practices, habits, and goals. There’s often something related to fitness in that mix, maybe even running. I’ve logged a few miles over the years. And I hear a lot of things about running that don&rsqu...

Blog 3: My Great Voyage

I had always been fascinated by Eastern Europe, and over winter break, I finally had the opportunity to travel to six cities across six countries: Geneva, Switzerland; Berlin, Germany; Prague, Czechia; Bratislava, Slovakia; and Budapest, Hungary. While I didn’t get to visit any of the former S...

Great Translations: No Saints or Angels by Ivan Klima

Life is tough. Here is a woman, a struggling dentist, divorced and a single mom. She blames herself for the dissolution of her marriage, even though her ex-husband cheated on her. Now her ex- is dying from cancer and she still feels responsible to go to his flat and care for him. Some spoilers fo...

Day 5 in Sydney — Great time at the museum

Since we are a nerdy family, and the Australian Museum in Sydney is quite a famous place, there was no way we could miss visiting it when we were in the city. That was why we spent a good part of a day in the place, and we still left reluctantly when the place was closed, wishing we could spend more...

You Don’t Have to be a Man to Work in the Great Outdoors

The backcountry has a curious way of magnifying a person’s beliefs and perceptions. Despite the pretense that sexism is somehow an antiquated concept, gender bias is still highly prevalent, and noticeable, in the wilderness. Three years ago, I was the only woman on a small trail crew. I tho...

The 4 Questions that Help Guide Great Decisions

We were just minutes from descent to Australian soil when the pilot came over the audio to make an announcement. “Sorry folks, we’re going to have to circle for a while — all air traffic into Sydney is on hold due to a lightning storm.” We ended up circling to the north...

Opening the Great Gate

I’ve been meditating for nearly fifty years now, but I’ve never stopped counting my breath. That was the instruction given to me by the Zen priests who were my first meditation teachers. It was undoubtedly meant to be like psychic training wheels for newbie meditators, but since my perip...

The Moon’s Great Cycle

I’ve been curious as to what exactly Nostradamus meant by the “great cycle” of the moon? Originally, I thought of the 29.5-day cycle it takes for the Moon to cycle through its phases. However, there is a cycle to the cycle of the moon and this is the great cycle Nostradamus referen...

The Secrets of Great Storytelling

If you’re here, you love a good story. That’s not the same as loving all stories. Some just don’t work. This failure has less to do with the content of the story than the structure. Our brains are structured to process stories in a specific way. Researchers h...

Betelgeuse: The Great Dimming and When it Might Supernova

Betelgeuse has been a long-time favorite of astronomers to observe. Located in the Orion constellation, Betelgeuse is visible to the naked eye as a reddish star in clear conditions. Betelgeuse sits some 700 light-years away from Earth but appears so bright because it is a red supergiant star near th...

Why the Great Masters of Art History are White Men and Why This is Dangerous

If you have ever walked through Target, watched the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or watched a Disney movie then you have become acquainted with the “great masters” of art history. Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Van Gogh, Salvador Dali, Picasso, Andy Warhol; all names that have become part of t...

30k for a kick clip? Sounds great to me!

KickArabic users could be rewarded $30,000 distributed to the makers of the best @KickStreaming clips (short form) depending on views posted on Tiktok, Youtube shorts and Instagram. “Equivalent to clip makers for Arab streamers Kick platform | The Arab Branch announces a sear...

How to Create a Great Resume (Complete Step-by-Step Guide)

Creating a resume is no easy feat (= not an easy task)! Luckily, there is one structured and effective approach to creating an outstanding resume that you can leverage to your advantage. A resume normally consists of the following 5 sections: Contacts Profile Skills Work exp...