The Moon’s Great Cycle

<p>I&rsquo;ve been curious as to what exactly Nostradamus meant by the &ldquo;great cycle&rdquo; of the moon? Originally, I thought of the 29.5-day cycle it takes for the Moon to cycle through its phases. However, there is a cycle to the cycle of the moon and this is the great cycle Nostradamus references. In the US we are familiar with the 365-day solar cycle, which makes up our calendar year (and even so the sun has a few of its own cycles, like an 11-year cycle). Being that Nostradamus was Jewish he would of undoubtedly been writing about the 19-year lunar cycle found in the Hebrew calendar. In the Hebrew lunar calendar there are 12 or 13 months, depending on how many new moons are marked, beginning with the first new moon on January (or sometimes February). Each time the new moon happens in January (or February) a lunar new year is created. The Hebrew lunar calendar cycles through 12 lunar years that consisting of 12 new moons and 7 leap years that have a total of 13 new moons (sometimes you get two new moons in a single month, thus 13 new moons). All together you have a 19-year cycle; the great cycle of the moon.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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