Tag: Feminism

Feminism in the East: Unveiling My Truth in Hong Kong

Claiming yourself as a feminist may not always be considered “cool,” especially in a bustling East Asian city like Hong Kong. In this part of the world, you might find yourself labeled as radical, a troublemaker, or accused of enjoying a “feminism buffet,” which implies using...

Transphobic Feminism + Psychology = Conversion Therapies

The first time I went to a psychologist I was 15, I’d just come out as a cisgender gay man and one of my parents thought it’d be a good idea to “get my bearings” by which they meant get myself back on the road to heterosexuality. Back then, fortunately, I already kn...

“Hi, Barbie!”: Raising a Generation of Girls on Feminism

Despite being out of theaters for months, I still find myself fascinated by Barbie. I fell in love with the film’s aesthetics, designed to be sickeningly pink and artificially perfect, although my own wardrobe has lacked color since I graduated high school. I’ve accumulated a collec...

The Spread Of Feminism Is Inevitable

Most Men are weak, when women speak up for our rights, they run to pick me’s, begging at their feet to stop the “evil feminists” from taking their “right” to our bodies and emotions away. Men can’t do anything by themselves and it is unbelievably disappointing, bu...

Where Class Meets Feminism: Are the Women of Latin America Class-less?

What social class are you: working or lower, middle, upper, somewhere in between? Your decision is most likely based on the income of your household, education, wealth, power, or occupation, and those metrics are what sociologists use to define social class. But imagine if a demographic...

Oppressed People Are Too Nice (Racism, Feminism, and the Inhumans)

This is probably going to be a controversial article, yet I think truthful. One thing I have noticed when it comes to people’s nature is that there are certain people who seem to simply be brutal, toxic, evil, and silly beyond repair, yet there are other people who are reasonable, kind, compas...


Feminist perspectives in the universe of academia, research, and social sciences — such as history and economics — start from an extremely simple operation: paying attention to voices, subjects and experiences that have been made invisible, have been forgotten, or undervalued due to thei...

38-Year-Old Woman Cries About Being Childless, Says She Feels ‘Betrayed By Feminism’

In an emotional interview with Fox News Digital, a woman named Melissa Persling went candid about desiring a family at 38-years-old. She broke down crying as she described her fears of being alone and childless and blamed feminism for betraying her. In November, Persling wrote an essay ...

Barbie’s White Feminism Problem

One of the major themes in the movie highlights how difficult it is being a woman. As a cisgender Pakistani Muslim man, I know I’ll never be able to understand what those experiences are like. I appreciated the movie for engaging with these topics and creating opportunities for people to discu...

Is “Feminism to Blame” For Korean Women Taking Down The Patriarchy?

What’s been going on recently in Korea is a real eye opener for women oppressed by sexism around the world. It appears that Korean women are sick of the patriarchy, and are handling it in a way only a woman can— with their wombs. We have seen this kind of movement happening all over the ...

Did Second-Wave Feminism Fail GenX Mothers?

I was driving my daughter home from a babysitting job the other day when she started rattling off possible names for her future children: Bella and Vanessa and Clara if she has girls, maybe Gabriel for a boy. “You’ll be a wonderful mother one day, I responded. “If, of course, th...

The Many Faces of Feminism: Exploring Different Perspectives

Often considered the foundational perspective within feminism, liberal feminism seeks to achieve gender equality through legal and political reforms. Liberal feminists advocate for equal rights, opportunities, and protections for women within existing societal structures. They believe that changes i...

Understanding Intersectionality: The Heart of Inclusive Feminism

I’ve spent decades immersed in the world of feminism. My journey has been colored by the experiences of a typical middle-class, white cis woman born in the USA in the 60s. My life has been shaped by the need for feminism, even though I may not always explicitly mention it. Today, I want to sha...

Modern Feminism And Its Negative Impact on Women/Man

Feminism, at its core, is about advocating for gender equality and giving women the same opportunities and rights as men. But in recent years, some argue that certain feminist movements have actually done more harm than good for women and men. One way in which these movements have negatively impa...

Feminism in Islam: Women’s rights in religiosity, the role of modest attire and how it has birthed the rise of the Modest Fashion Movement.

In the religion of Islam, modest fashion has long been practiced as a sign of God-consciousness and religiosity. In the 21st century, though, it has evolved into a movement showcasing confidence and representation. Spearheaded by the young women of faith in Gen Z, the Modest Fashion Movement has ...

Feminism and Men: Let’s get back to the basics

A quick surface level google of feminism will give a definition along the lines of advocating for women’s rights and equality between the sexes. The history of feminism dates back to medieval times, before anyone even thought of the phrase “equality of the sexes”; it was just unthi...

Swimsuit Feminism

As the new year approaches, Dolly Parton’s cheerleader outfit at the NFL Thanksgiving halftime show has me reflecting on the progress of American women in achieving equality in this country and the meaning of feminism. At 77 years old, Dolly Parton is often described as the most successful cou...

Is Feminism Ruining Lives?

Melissa decided too late she wanted children, and it’s all because of feminism. She married her school sweetheart; spent years trying to be the stay-at- home housewife. But she grew tired from the joys of cooking, cleaning and washing his gym clothes. Feeling empowered and deciding to pu...

When I realized that Barbie (2023) was an adulterated critique of the women’s movement and disrespectful to second wave feminism; spoilers.

The bottom line, if you have not seen the film, is that second wave feminist ideals are fantasy land, and in the real world, the equality that Barbie strived for that the toys represent, has not been achieved. Real women want to have sex, the toys of Barbie Land are more interested in sisterhood tha...

Feminism/Queerness Under Political Attack. Why No Gay Oscar Nominees?

The year 2024 in America promises to be, well, not boring. It is going to be quite a ride, perhaps the last ride of the day. And plenty of people looking to rain on our parade. To all my fellow victims of attacks by the radical right, to all my friends in the LGBTQ community, to trans folk now un...

“Ew, Men” is Not a Useful Sentiment for Feminism or Social Justice

Iwould like to preface this piece by assuring you the sentiment here isn’t the same “Not All Men” rhetoric that’s plagued Twitter, or any preference towards #PickMe culture that’s designed to put down women who are having the necessary conversations about sexism and gen...

Why we need to get better at talking and listening, and how feminism can help

Second-wave feminists have taught us that power relations shape our interpersonal and everyday interactions. Indeed, every time I speak to women about their experiences of working with men, they tell me that they’re tired of being at the receiving end of vulgar jokes, patronizing remarks, and ...

Men’s Guide to Feminism: 5 Books on Feminism Every Man Should Read

I have something to admit. For the past 3 years I have been addicted to reading everything I can about feminism and its history. Over 30 books later, I’ve kept this mostly to myself because I felt like I was intruding on a very serious cause by nerd-ing out on this topic. However a few nigh...

How neoliberal feminism is colonising feminism

Over the past decade, we have witnessed the rise of a peculiar variant of feminism, particularly in the UK and the US. This variant has been unmoored from social ideals like equality, rights and justice. Neoliberal feminism recognises gender inequality (differentiating itself from pos...

The Parabolic Arc of Feminism

In May of 1869, anti-slavery and women’s rights activists Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth C. Stanton started the National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA). The mission of the organization was to concretize women’s right to vote within the US constitution. Unfortunately, both women w...

Makeup and feminism: or why I’m here

What a great question. I’m going to give you the answer I give multiple times a day in my day-job as a lawyer: it depends. First-wave feminists — those fighting for equality between 1830 and the mid-1900’s — would probably ask you why this question is even relevant. They&r...