Feminism in the East: Unveiling My Truth in Hong Kong

<p>Claiming yourself as a feminist may not always be considered &ldquo;cool,&rdquo; especially in a bustling East Asian city like Hong Kong. In this part of the world, you might find yourself labeled as radical, a troublemaker, or accused of enjoying a &ldquo;feminism buffet,&rdquo; which implies using gender as a tool to get what you want. Still, I declare myself a feminist, because being a feminist means something deeply personal to me.</p> <p><strong>1. Confronting Unrecognized Misogyny Within Ourselves</strong></p> <p>Many women believe that they aren&rsquo;t harboring any misogyny, but the truth is, there are numerous unexamined and subtle misogynistic concepts that reside within our minds. At times, we inadvertently exclude women who are different from us, and in doing so, we display a hidden bias.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@olichanyuenue/feminism-in-the-east-unveiling-my-truth-in-hong-kong-8eea3a12a8bf"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Feminism East