Tag: Feel

How To Look And Feel Confident

1. Stand up straight: Good posture can make you look taller and more confident. 2. Dress for success: Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable and confident. Dress appropriately for any situation and occasion. 3. Smile: A smile can make you look more approachab...

How to Talk to Your Child Without Making Them Feel ‘Small’

I was reminded of this sentiment when I watched the movie, “Amsterdam,” and it prompted me to reminisce about my childhood with nostalgia. The purity of emotion that children possess can be truly humbling. It made me wonder: What changes as we grow into adulthood? When do we ...

When you Feel Late in Life

Life moves on and we can’t help comparing ourselves (even though we know it steals our joy). As soon as we enter adult life, there’s this kind of invisible competition that sets in. It’s as if we’re all heading somewhere, and the first to get there will be the happiest. ...

How To Build the Confidence To Stand Alone and Feel Content

It’s okay to stand alone and be conspicuous. To find acceptance in standing apart from the crowd, we must recognise our value and learn to be proud of who we are. Do you follow the whisperings of your heart? Or do you allow other people to guide you? I’ve never felt like I truly...

When you Feel Late in Life

Life moves on and we can’t help comparing ourselves (even though we know it steals our joy). As soon as we enter adult life, there’s this kind of invisible competition that sets in. It’s as if we’re all heading somewhere, and the first to get there will be the happiest. ...

Everything that we love makes us feel alive

I always loved blogging yet I have never been consistent with it because of so many reasons. Now I know that there are some things that I love to have in my life and without them I feel like…not myself. I love painting, as much as possible. I love writing, sharing with you about my ...

How does it make you feel?

Knowledge of how and what to eat, what proteins are, which fats to eat, and which quantities are important. Just this will only get you so far.. At some point along your healthy eating journey, you’ll have to ask yourself: “How does this make me feel?” Food as object: What&rs...

How to Make a Sublease Feel Like a Home (Even if Only for a Month or Two)

The housing market in Tel Aviv is crazy. Honestly, it seems like the housing market everywhere is crazy. The last 5 weeks of our program, we were searching and scrolling and touring apartments and calling landlords and doing everything in our power to find a great 4-room apartment (in Israel, we lea...

Why Does the Economy Feel So Bad?

It’s one of the biggest economic and political problems in America — people are mad about the economy, even though economists think the economy is pretty good. This is one of those moments that may show that the cold-blooded science of economics, which we have made one of ou...

It’s the End of My Ambition & I Feel Fine

Just because you’re good at something doesn’t mean you should be doing that something. Especially if that something sends you screaming into pillows. As you know, I appreciate anyone who helps me avoid feeding from trash cans. An old friend pitched me for a CMO opportunity for a VC-ba...

The art of making someone new feel included

I have been in informal social gathering situations where I walked in as someone new and no one approached me to say hi. I have also been in a situation where someone way older than me told others my age to greet me, they hesitated, waiting for someone else to make the first move, and then came to s...

How The Mormon Religion Make Black People Feel Worthless

I’ve studying Mormonism for well over 31 years now. No, I am not a Mormon, and never was; I dated one. Long ago I remember a girl I dated stating that Blacks could not go to Heaven, were not allowed. This is what began my journey into learning about this belief system (or cult). As years we...

January 6 — and Transphobia — Make Some People Feel Empowered

Trump turned around the accusation of fakeness at the media and (as it became increasingly apparent) at anyone who criticizes him. No facts sway him; you can’t point to facts to prove that the report is real or that the criticism has weight. He even prejudges elections—before they’...

Making Someone Else Feel Better

“But I am trying to send positive energy your way”, he said. “I know. But I am too seeing and too deep.” I told him that what was really happening was him experiencing deprivation in his inner child. He was grieving — he’s been grieving all his life. Does...

I No Longer Feel Safe in America

“The land of the free and the home of the brave” is supposed to be the story of America. It is something that every American is supposed to believe as a part of our national anthem. Yet, in the past couple of years, disillusionment has settled in as America becomes the land of regular ma...

Why Some White People Feel Triggered by Black History Month

When a topic triggers someone, they may react defensively, and it's my suspicion that this is why some White people respond poorly to Black History Month. Since 1969, Americans have celebrated Black History Month in February. However, for some White people, focusing on the contributions and expe...

Ask Ethan: What do the stars make an astrophysicist feel?

Thanks to the science of astrophysics and cosmology, we have outstanding, physically valid answers to all of these questions and many more, with new territory being staked at the frontier of the unknown every day. But what about the feelings that we get from studying, watching, and thinking about...

Why Does Sichuan Food Make Your Tongue Feel Numb?

Towards the start of this fall semester, I visited a local sichuan restaurant near my campus with a few of my friends. We sat around a large, circular dining table and ordered a few dishes to share. I place an order for mapo tofu, which is my go-to at this place. While the service is inexplicably aw...

Trying to be better will only make you feel worse

You ate your dinner on time and read 10 pages with eyes full of drowsiness just to tick off things from your daily to-do list. You pick up your phone to scroll a little bit because you think you’ve earned the leisure by working for 30 min straight. You look at the time and it’s already p...

Why Some White People Feel Triggered by Black History Month

When a topic triggers someone, they may react defensively, and it's my suspicion that this is why some White people respond poorly to Black History Month. Since 1969, Americans have celebrated Black History Month in February. However, for some White people, focusing on the contributions and expe...

What to do When All of Your Clothes Make You Feel Like Shit

About a month or so ago I was looking through my closet and I had a typical “I have nothing to wear” moment. I was sliding through the rails and rifling through my drawers when I had the realization that the majority of my clothes were just not very “me anymore”. I had my ...