January 6 — and Transphobia — Make Some People Feel Empowered

<p>Trump turned around the accusation of fakeness at the media and (as it became increasingly apparent) at anyone who criticizes him. No facts sway him; you can&rsquo;t point to facts to prove that the report is real or that the criticism has weight. He even prejudges elections&mdash;before they&rsquo;re held!&mdash;as fraudulent. Similarly, transphobes turn the accusation of fakeness against trans people&nbsp;<em>qua</em>&nbsp;trans. Peter Boghossian comes right out and says: &ldquo;<a href="https://tuckerlieberman.medium.com/richard-dawkins-peter-boghossian-25f745df7a1e?sk=915bd7a88b9cc66c6276f778a7ee7107" rel="noopener">I translate the word &lsquo;trans&rsquo; in my head as &lsquo;fake.&rsquo;</a>&rdquo; If someone prejudges you (your vote, your gender, etc.) as fake, they&rsquo;ve cut off dialogue. They won&rsquo;t listen to your rebuttal defending your realness, a rebuttal they&rsquo;ll surely also call fake.</p> <p><a href="https://tuckerlieberman.medium.com/january-6-transphobia-621ba66d568a"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Feel Empowered