How to Make a Sublease Feel Like a Home (Even if Only for a Month or Two)

<p>The housing market in Tel Aviv is crazy. Honestly, it seems like the housing market everywhere is crazy. The last 5 weeks of our program, we were searching and scrolling and touring apartments and calling landlords and doing everything in our power to find a great 4-room apartment (in Israel, we learned that the room count includes the living room). We started off with high expectations; we wanted 3 bedrooms, a nice kitchen and living room, a balcony, air conditioning, a washer and fridge and a good location, all for our cheap-ish budget. Each place we saw, each landlord we met, each person we talked to diminished our confidence in finding a good place to move into right when our program ended. Remember all those blogs about freaking out&hellip; yeah, those were written during our housing search.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Sublease Feel