Trying to be better will only make you feel worse

<p>You ate your dinner on time and read 10 pages with eyes full of drowsiness just to tick off things from your daily to-do list. You pick up your phone to scroll a little bit because you think you&rsquo;ve earned the leisure by working for 30 min straight. You look at the time and it&rsquo;s already past 2 am. You&rsquo;ve repeated the circle yet again.</p> <p>Now this is not to tell you that to-do lists are a waste of time and you shouldn&rsquo;t create patterns. This is just a wake-up call for you &mdash; to let you know that these methods, tactics and&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;5 ways to be more productive&rdquo;</em>&nbsp;articles won&rsquo;t help you unless you&rsquo;re serious.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Feel Worse