Tag: Eating

This is How An Eating Disorder Develops

Looking through my childhood photo albums usually raises two emotions: sadness and longing. There is sadness for the little girl whose father made her run laps on hot New Mexico summer afternoons. When she threw up, he said she was lazy. I long to explain it’s not her fault he’s so...

This is How An Eating Disorder Develops

Looking through my childhood photo albums usually raises two emotions: sadness and longing. There is sadness for the little girl whose father made her run laps on hot New Mexico summer afternoons. When she threw up, he said she was lazy. I long to explain it’s not her fault he’s so...

What is the WMI Provider Host and why is it eating my CPU?

The WMI Provider Host, also known as WmiPrvSE.exe, is a Windows system process that provides information about the performance and status of software and hardware components on a computer. It is a part of the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) infrastructure, which is used by many system manag...

Eating disorders in Hong Kong

The prevalence of eating disorders in Asia is approximately 3.5% (2). The prevalence of both anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa is higher in females than males, with males accounting for 10% — 36% of all cases. Early onset during adolescence is common, with female adolescents being of p...

What Are the Pros And Cons of Buying and Eating Organic Food?

In our fast-paced society, the decision between organic and conventional food is a hot issue of debate. Organic delivery in Sydney is your way to a healthier and environmentally sustainable lifestyle. Our 100 percent Certified Organic products are delivered directly to your door within Syd...

Why plastic-eating microbes are not the solution

Recently, Japanese scientists have discovered an enzyme (PETase), isolated from the bacterium Ideonella sakaiensis that can degrade polyethylene terephthalate PET in only a few weeks, exibiting the rare ability to use PET as the major carbon and energy source to grow. PET is a major form o...

Why is meat-eating looked down upon by certain communities in India?

I think in the beginning it was less to do with religion and more to do with hygiene and health. India is a humid country. It’s very hot most of the year, and even in winter, during the day, the weather can be warm in many areas. I mean, it is not as cold as other regions of the world. M...

Dragons and Snakes eating Frogs: Mysteries of Medieval Hungarian Belts

The researchers explored the possibility that these belts were not produced in a central workshop but rather that they may have been produced by travelling craftsmen and in smaller, far-reaching workshops. In this way, the belt designs could be customised upon customer request, such as one of a snak...

Eating Wisely, Living Fully

The Essence of Eating At the heart of our discussion is the principle that eating is more than just a routine; it’s a profound interaction with the natural world. This perspective urges us to consider what we eat, how it impacts our environment, and the way it affects our health. The podcas...

The Unexpected Reason Some Individuals Stay Slim Despite Their Eating Habits

Previous studies have explored the connection between genetic alterations and obesity, but this one is noteworthy in that it is among the first to focus on genes that have been associated with thinness. The findings appear to indicate that it is indeed possible to pass down a limited nu...

Shouldn’t Your Doctor Be Working Out and Eating Healthy?

How many times has a physician told you that you need to exercise more and eat healthier? And how many times did that conversation go any deeper? This type of language is commonly regurgitated by doctors. What’s not taken into account when giving this advice? The resources of the individual...

Does Eating Ice Cream Lead to Drowning? Not If You Understand Confounding

Suppose you’re an epidemiologist at a local health department in a resort town. The town council just had a person give testimony that ice cream leads to drowning, and they have the data to prove it. They pulled 700 random records from the local ice cream shop over the last five years, and the...

Alcohol, the Body Eating Spirit

It is said that the word Alcohol comes from the Arabic “Al-Kuhl” which means “ Body Eating Spirit”. It is the worst drug in the world and the one that is legal. There is a deliberate reason why alcohol is so easily accessible and other psychoactive substances aren’t. ...

10 Things That Helped Me (Finally) Overcome My Eating Disorder — and 5 That Didn’t

I’ve fantasized about writing this article for years. Some of those years, I wasn’t even sure I’d ever be able to write it. The fight seemed endless. Restriction and overexercise in my teens morphed into binge eating, which quickly moved into bulimia, intermittently mingling wit...

Eating for Beauty: How Nutrition Shapes Our Skin Health

In dermatology particularly, where extensive research increasingly highlights diet’s profound impact on skin conditions, “you are what you eat” holds true more than ever before. Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and hydration: these are the nutrients we ingest that profoundly influ...

Teaching Kids Healthy Eating and Fitness in 140 Characters or Less

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. I’m very lucky to have three healthy, active children, which may or may not have anything to do with the unsolicited advice given below. When my oldest kids were two years, and nine months old, I went to the baby shower of a close friend. There, ...

We Are Delivering Our Children Into the Arms of Eating Disorders

I was at the pediatrician's office with my son, waiting for our turn, when a little girl came out with her mom walking by her side. As the receptionist opened the calendar to schedule their next visit, she absentmindedly reached for the lollipop jar when suddenly she stopped and looked up and do...

How I Knew I Had Recovered From My Eating Disorder

I don’t recall a specific moment in which I suddenly felt recovered; what I do remember are moments in which I began to see my body for what it was: normal, and strong, and worth loving. Mirrors were never accurate reflectors of my appearance — not once the eating disorder began. Mirr...

How can we make therapy safer for fat people with eating disorders?

I recently saw “Your Fat Friend”, a documentary about Aubrey Gordon made by Jeanie Finlay. I’m a big fan of Aubrey’s work, her books, blogs and podcast — Maintenance Phase, and she’s been a huge influence on me both personally and professionally. I am a ...

Understanding Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders

You cannot escape the increasing focus on health and well-being all over social media, on podcasts, TV and in films with so many people striving for their ‘ideal body image’. However, this ‘goal’ can quickly become an obsession and often leads to a complex way of looking a...