Tag: Dream

I Lost My Dream Dev Job by Getting Distracted

I’ve been a software developer for a long time. That means I’ve performed to various levels of competency in quite a few roles. Yet this story does not go back THAT far It’s about how I already had my dream job and then threw it away through arrogance and inattention. ...

Fueling the Culinary Dream

In the world of culinary innovation, the path from humble beginnings to culinary stardom often winds through unconventional avenues. In this realm, where dreams are served on plates and ambition is the secret sauce, CASHDROP emerges as a dynamic force propelling vendors in unique areas and...

Miss Independent Had Another Dream

I’m a SAHM now, it’s messy and rewarding. Guess what though? My husband takes care of me, it’s a balance of chaos and taking timeout. I have hustle guilt but that a side effect of being self reliant. He encourages me everyday to do what I love, success will happen eventually he alw...

Dream (say the # of your choice)

If someone is keeping score, I don’t care. We have assembled here around a body of water with one dead woman somewhere in that water. There are labels, ‘The Dead Woman’, every few water inches that obscure more than they reveal as I disappear when I leap in. Bunches of ...

Was it a dream…

You were there right behind me, as we were walking in the crowded street or was it a wild party, like, a carnival. People were everywhere, milling around, in strange costumes, their eyes on painted faces, shining, behind their masks, and I, got lost, separated from my mob, following another group...

The American Dream Is A Nightmare

“They call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.” George Carlin Does the phrase ‘American Dream’ mean anything to you? Having changed many times since first used about 100 years ago, the American Dream now refers to an orgy of consum...

Does the Grandeur of Dr. King’s ‘I Have a Dream’ Speech Blind Us to His Core Message?

Bynow lots of people know it was Gospel singer Mahalia Jackson who shouted “Tell them about your dream, Martin!” during the 1963 March on Washington. If it wasn’t for her, one of the most famous speeches in American history might have a lot less famous. And possibly fo...

In Case You Want Your Dream Colourful

Who doesn’t want beautiful things? Imagination is a powerful tool, but you need to know how to use it, the conceptualisation process and the implementation. You start from nothing to something until you get something you want. What i am saying is that everything ever built was first thought a...

Burne-Jones and the “beautiful, romantic dream of something that never was, never will be”

Here’s my birthday gift to painter Edward Burne-Jones (1833–1898). I present here a quote widely attributed to Burne-Jones without having been able to trace it back to its original source. This quote is said to come from a letter that Burne-Jones wrote to a friend describing a paintin...

Welcome to the Trim For Your Dream Community — Let’s Get Growing!

Hello everyone, We’re excited to announce that Trim For Your Dream is officially live on Steam for wishlisting! We’ve poured countless hours into creating a game that blends the hustle lifestyle with a touch of green entrepreneurship. This is the spot to share your thoughts, offer fee...

A Dream Within a Dream: Movies, Metaphor, and the Philosophy of the Metaverse

Aswe move away from the early aughts, more documentaries, films, and television series are being created that reflect on a period that feels like yesterday. Focusing on the inventions and innovators of the time, the early 2000s have been immortalized as the internet era. And, while we have had numer...

Zuckerberg’s Metaverse Dream May Change the World. It May Also Kill His Company

“People will look back a decade from now and talk about the importance of the work being done here.” That was the rallying cry Metaverse overlord Mark Zuckerberg told investors at the tail end of Meta’s Q3 earnings call, which delivered some staggering figures &md...

PDP REALMz Wired LED Light-up Pro Controller: Sonic Green Hill Zone For Nintendo Switch & Nintendo Switch — OLED Model — A Gamer’s Dream Come True

Gaming controllers have come a long way since the early days of gaming. Today, players demand precision, comfort, and style when it comes to their gaming gear. The PDP REALMz Wired LED Light-up Pro Controller in Sonic Green Hill Zone for Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Switch — OLED Model offers ...

Visited my childhood dream place in Amsterdam : Anne Frank’s Huis

When you are 13, and you receive Ann Frank’s diary translated in Kannada as a birthday gift from your Father. Well you see a girl’s face in the book, think it would be a diary that could be girly and start reading it…. Never knew her story, Learnt the story after few days! It&rsqu...

17.2 The Dream Expedition

In the last chapter we met Alcibiades at the party celebrating Agathon’s victory at the Lenaea, which happened around February of 416 (see ch. 16.7*). Around the same time a politician named Hyperbolus called for a vote of ostracism. The two leading figures this vote threatened were&...

Scandinavian Dream | Stop — Denmark

Our deep sleep was interrupted at 6 am with shouts: Take your things and get off the bus faster! “ Quickly grabbing the bags, everyone ran somewhere. Only one thought appeared in my head: “Why are we being driven to the border like that, and why do we even need to go through passport ...

The Impact of Storytelling: “My Dad’s Story”: Dream for My Child | MetLife

MetLife is one of the leading life insurance, financial services, protection planning, retirement and saving solutions company around the world. On January 27, 2017 MetLife Hong Kong released a campaign on youtube video called “My Dad’s Story”: Dream for My Child | MetLif...

When SF Shows Me The American Dream

Growing up as a Taiwanese, I always dreamed of the American dream: the American English accent, baseball, McDonald’s, Silicon Valley, and wealthy white people. However, the first time I arrived in San Francisco, our school placed us in Tenderloin, the poorest district in San Francisco, which c...

Muni’s Dream of An Electric Fleet of SF Buses Suddenly Looks Much More Like the Present

That plan would have even phased out trolleys — buses with rooftop forks connecting to overhead wires — which debuted on city streets more than 80 years ago and are, in the words of one advocate this week, “tried and true.” Going exclusively plug-in, including a conversion of...

Life is the Visualisation of a Dream

What is this Series? I have been a foreigner for nearly ten years. By living this different concept of life, I feel the space and time differently. Life is the Visualisation of a Dream is a photography series that express my first experience of Australia, a place where I still get lost in the ...

Fiction: A Dream, Deferred

Lewis let out a groan without moving his lips. More of a grunt, really. His camera was on, but he was muted. It was past eight in the evening on a Friday, and his meeting would not end. The client prattled on and on about how wonderful their product would be for his business, but he was scrolling th...

The Vancouver dream … is dead

In 2017 my wife Roma and I quit our jobs, sold our furniture, and moved to Vancouver. We got overwhelming support for our plan. There was a general consensus that life was better on the west coast. And the only thing stopping people from experiencing it were high prices and actually moving across th...

Raptor Dream

I had a bird dream the night before I set the world I’d known on fire. Two large owls of indeterminate species were in the upstairs room of my first childhood home (of course, being a dream, it both was and wasn’t the same structure). I was panicking about the safety of some kittens t...

Dream fulfilled: World Coming Together for River Dolphins and their Rivers

This is the top. It cannot get any better. Eight Tucuxis and two Amazon river dolphins are circling around our small boat. We are floating on the Amazon river, navigating the border between Colombia and Peru. The Tucuxis — the “jumping river dolphins” — are splashing aroun...

Living the Gomeran dream

Living the Gomeran dream (First-hand tips from Kiki’s tour partner. Join us in Lisbon in the Canary Islands in February) Almost every Northern European knows about the Canary Islands. Especially the big islands, Gran Canaria and Tenerife. It’s our Florida. The only place in Europe whe...

The Day I Found My Dream Butterfly

I vividly remember seeing the Regal Fritillary (Speyeria idalia) pictured in a butterfly book when I was about five years old. Since that moment, this species has lived rent free in my head and then finally, after 25 years, it happened. To help paint the picture of why finding this butterfly made me...

Why We Left Everything in Spain To Pursue Our Dream in Africa

We are Juan and Mavi, or Mavi and Juan, whichever you prefer. Some time ago, we left behind our predictable life in the capital of Spain and came to Africa. We are somewhere between Africa and India, but we’ll talk about that again. If you stick around, of course. We currently reside i...

Building Your Dream Home in the Blockchain: How Altranium is Transforming Real Estate

Forget the frustrating disconnect between imagination and reality that plagues traditional construction. Altranium’s vision is audacious: to empower homeowners and builders alike with a digital world where dream homes blossom into tangible blueprints. Its immersive virtual environment transcen...

Investing in the S&P 500 for Your Dream Home: A 10-Year Plan

The S&P 500, a stock market index, has historically offered an average return of around 10%. However, this rate can fluctuate greatly. It’s important to remember that past performance doesn’t guarantee future results. When considering this investment path, it’s crucial to be aw...

Part 3. Jewish Wet Dreams

Popular religious texts are important to look at because, for a time, they were all everyone was looking at; they were the Netflix of the day. These texts came from, and reinforced, certain bodies in the past, and they still help to construct bodies today. There are two important passages in the ...

Dreaming in Community: Guidelines for group dream-sharing and reflecting

In preparation for a new collaborative workshop and dream circle with C. Vivi from Art of the Zodiac Dreaming & Witnessing: Communing with the Dreamweaver, I am sharing some updated guidelines for dream sharing and witnessing in groups. More on this specific offering in a bit. We hope ...

The Nightmare That Is “The American Dream™” for Survivors

The visionaries who laid the foundation for American democracy, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams, envisioned a republic rooted in justice, liberty, and the defense of its people’s rights, including those of traf...

I will write transportation resume that will land dream job

Hi, Do you wish to obtain your ideal position? The time has come to realize your full potential and get over obstacles in your job quest. I am a skilled writer of cover letters, Linkedin articles, and resumes/CVs. I’ve written cover letters, resumes/CVs, LinkedIn profiles, and other documen...

Immigration Showdown: The American Nightmare vs The Spanish Dream

Many Americans when they move to Spain complain about the immigration process, the visa, and the bureaucracy of the Spanish Government. Little do they know that America has a much worse and backward immigration process. I went through the American Immigration process as an Eastern European. ...

Living up the Canadian dream

Ahh, it’s been over 4 years since my last blog post. I contemplated for a while whether to keep my old site or start from scratch. Lowkey regretted deleting everything, but here we are. Flipping a few chapters ahead. What is it the gen-z’s say? Late twenties “core”. Here is m...

Dream of Saponification

Which means you also know that ‘when the carboxylate is long chain, its salt is called a soap’. And that the esters in question are oils and fats, and the aqueous alkali is traditionally lye, or caustic soda. As our learned friend Dr Wikipedia continues to explain, the lye ‘clea...

Blue Dream Strain Comparison: Effects, Flavors, and More

Blue Dream’s outstanding blend of effects and flavors has won it the moniker of “cannabis classic” and made it a perennial favorite among consumers. Even though the cannabis industry is always evolving, Blue Dream Strain remains a fan favorite. Longtime admirers and curio...

I Applied for My Dream Job Even Though I Won’t Get It

I watched the creative jobs I wanted fly by me. No matter how tired I got of the mundane days of accounting and finance, I felt like no one would hire me for anything else. I have two degrees in accounting for crying out loud. What experience did I have in design or as a writer? None. I built ...

How I killed my dream body

When it comes to weight management, there’s plenty of different scenarios people experience, but most of the time, I find you’ll fall into one of two camps: overweight, eats healthy, works out, and can’t lose weight; and skinny, eats tons of protein and carbs, lifts weights, and ca...

My Childhood Dream of Chocolate Soup Has Come True

These last few weeks have been so serious. Endless handwashing. Relentless cooking and cleaning. Unceasing worry. Repeat. It’s no wonder I’ve been thinking so much about my childhood, when the hardest thing I ever had to do was choose between Easy Mac and Chef Boyardee. Web...